
ETE 2012 – Trevor Lalish-Menagh – JavaScript Testing: Completing the BDD Circle in Web Development

From the abstract: Martin Flower states that the definition of legacy code is code without tests. You test your server-side code, but if you are working on a site with a fair amount of non-trivial JavaScript (ajax call, extensive callbacks, etc.) you really should be testing your JavaScript as well. All the untested JavaScript code … Read More

ETE 2012 – Trevor Burnham – The CoffeeScript Edge

From the abstract: CoffeeScript, a streamlined language that compiles into JavaScript, has gained devotees at companies ranging from 37signals to Fog Creek to AOL. Not bad for a 2-year-old open-source project. In this talk, we’ll take a look at some of the areas where CoffeeScript really shines, allowing devs to write cleaner, more maintainable code … Read More

Using jQueryMobile and Backbone.js for handling forms

Introduction In this post, I continue the development of my basic “exercise app” that I started (and enhanced) in these posts: Intro to Backbone with jQuery Mobile Sorting Collections with Backbone.js and jQuery Mobile From a List to a Details View using jQuery Mobile and Backbone.js Let’s add the ability to create and edit exercise … Read More

Sencha Touch 2 – Navigation View, Templates and Forms

This post will build on the example application from the Introduction to Sencha Touch post. We will look at sorting, templates, navigation and forms. Sorting In the existing code new items appear at the bottom of the list. I’d prefer to see the newest items first. After a Sorter is added to the Store, Sencha … Read More

From a List to a Details View using jQueryMobile and Backbone.js

In my previous post I built a basic application to demonstrate the use of Backbone.js with jQueryMobile (JQM). The introduction can be found here, with a brief subsequent post on sorting collections here. In this post, I would like to add the capability to view the details of the items presented in the list view. … Read More

Introduction to Sencha Touch

Steve Smith recently looked at jQuery Mobile and Backbone using a simple application that allowed a user to track their daily exercise. I’m going to duplicate his example using Sencha Touch. Sencha Touch is a framework for building mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3, and Javascript.  This example uses the Developer Preview of Sencha Touch 2.0. … Read More

ETE 2011 – David Kaneda – Building Rich User Experiences with Sencha Touch

From David Kaneda’s abstract: “Sencha Touch is a mobile web app framework that allows developers to create rich mobile apps which look and feel native. In addition to a robust set of UI components, Sencha Touch offers an object-oriented MVC architecture, data stores/models, and a flexible theming system. David Kaneda will cover the benefits of … Read More

TechCast #64 – Pre-ETE Conversation with Josh Clark and Jonathan Stark on Mobile App Design and Development

Podcast Information This final pre-ETE podcast brings together Josh Clark, designer, developer and author of Tapworthy, a guide to designing great iPhone applications, and Jonathan Stark, VP of Application Architecture at Mobiquity and author of three books including “Building iPhone apps with HTML, CSS and Javascript”. Chariot’s Kevin Griffin and I sat down over the … Read More