mobile application development

Android Vector Graphics

I, like most developers, tend to rush into playing around with new technology. What I mean is you get excited when hearing or reading about something new then jump into the deep-end of the pool and while in mid-air throwing your towel to your chair. That’s what happened to me with VectorDrawable. I heard about … Read More

ETE 2015 – Ash Furrow – Catching up with Swift

In this talk, Ash Furrow, author and iOS engineer at Artsy, presents the current state of Apple’s new programming language: Swift. He’ll begin with a description of why Swift was needed – what problems existed with Objective-C and how does Swift address them? Speaking from experience of developing a production application using Swift, Ash will discuss Swift’s readiness from both technical and business standpoints.

TechCast #88 – ETE Speaker Mike Hartington Talks Swift, Ionic, and more

Ionic is a cordova-based mobile application development framework. Using AngularJS as the core web framework, sass for CSS simplification, and the ngCordova library, Ionic makes building cross-device applications easier. We talked to Mike about Drifty’s earlier tools such as Codiqa, how they came up with Ionic, and about its use of Angular and other technologies. … Read More

TechCast #87 – ETE Speaker Colin Eberhardt Talks Swift & Reactive Cocoa

Colin Eberhardt is a 2015 Philly Emerging Tech speaker who will address Swift and ReactiveCocoa. Swift debuted last year as a replacement developer language for Objective-C on apple’s platforms. ReactiveCococa is a framework developed by GitHub to handle any kind of asynchronous activity in the Cocoa platform. Colin makes the case that while Swift is … Read More

Android density buckets, or how to work with your designers…

How does Android development compare with your plain old development? Well, in short words it’s very rewarding in a sense that you see results of your work right away. You can also deploy it right to your phone or a tablet and brag about it to your friends. However, there are pitfalls…

How do Apple's new iPhones impact your applications?

Apple is releasing two new iPhones and the latest version of their OS, iOS 8. If you have or are planning iOS applications, this news directly impacts those plans. Here are some things that you need to be thinking about.

PhillyETE Screencast #32 – Blackberry 10 Enterprise Development – Maurice White

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From the abstract: “Become a successful developer of enterprise apps for BlackBerry 10. This session arms you with what’s needed to begin creating enterprise apps for the BlackBerry platform. We’ll cover development options, tooling, and porting existing apps. We’ll discuss the unique needs of developing apps for the enterprise and introduce you to how the … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #51 – More dev history, new Web IDE, Big Data debates, and more

New AWS feature – Resource permissions for EC2 RDS History of tech – Vannivar Bush and Douglas Engelbart intersected – he read Vannivar’s future of tehchnology paper – Another browser-based IDE, but this one has lots of integration – Developers begin to focus new efforts on tablets, phones hold steady … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #47 – Chariot’s Steve Smith on the Apple WWDC and iOS 7

Chariot’s Steve Smith attended Apple’s World-wide developer conference last week, and we sat down today to talk to him about it. Topics WWDC ticket ordering process fun New hardware releases iOS 7 features OS X Mavericks His view as a mobile developer of iOS over the years including open source projects, etc… Note – all … Read More