
Philly ETE Screencast #7 – Doug Lea – Engineering Concurrent Library Components

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From Doug Lea’s abstract: “Creating components based on concurrent and parallel algorithms and data structures often requires more attention to “engineering” issues not seen with most other libraries. Components created in the “obvious” way sometimes turn out to be wrong, to perform poorly, or are unusable in most applications, because the abstractions in which they … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #6 – Alex Miller – Clojure: Enemy of the State

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From Alex’s abstract: “Clojure’s approach to data is significantly different than other popular languages, and somewhat different even than its Lisp heritage. On one hand, Clojure provides a small core set of immutable, persistent data structures. On the other, Clojure uses functional programming to provide a rich set of data manipulation functions. These two pillars … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #5 – Charlie Hunt – The Fundamentals of JVM Tuning

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When you are faced with the challenge of tuning JVM, you can find a wide variety information. Yet, almost always the information is rather specific in the type of tuning, or specific to a type of problem. Seldom can you find information that tells abstracts the details into a higher level and simplifies it into … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #4 – Yehuda Katz on the Ember.js application framework

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Yehuda Katz discusses the Ember.js development framework for Single-Page JS applications.

ETE 2012 – Daniel Spiewak – Horrors of Static Typing

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From the abstract: Of all of the controversial topics in the field of (serious) software development, static typing is probably the most divisive. While the topic leads to fewer homicides than the perennial Vim vs Emacs conflagration, it still arouses passions and anger usually reserved for Gungans and fans of Visual Basic. This talk dives … Read More

ETE 2012 – Yehuda Katz – Ember.js: Attacking Boilerplate Where it Lives

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From the abstract: Ember.js is a new JavaScript framework that uses data bindings to strip away common boilerplate in web applications. By making it easy to bind objects together, all the way through to your HTML templates, you can think about your application in terms of the state of your model objects. You’ll never have … Read More

ETE 2012 – Douglas Crockford – JavaScript, Programming Style, and Your Brain

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From the abstract: Computer programs are the most complicated things that humans make. They must be perfect, which is hard for us because we are not perfect. Programming is thought to be a “head” activity, but there is a lot of “gut” involved. Indeed, it may be the gut that gives us the insight necessary … Read More

ETE 2012 – Doug Bellenger – Case Study: Creating a Cross Platform Experience

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From the abstract: During this talk, Doug will walk through Movitas’ successes and failures in creating a cross platform application that integrates destination information, communication functionality (messaging and calling), and social interaction for hotel and destination travelers. He’ll walk through the some of the development they’ve done to serve content to mobile web, hybrid applications, … Read More