
15 Minutes With: Ryan Schumacher and Drew DeCarme

In today’s episode of 15 Minutes With, Tracey Welson-Rossman discusses the pro bono effort lead by Chariot and Penn to develop Nourished, an app that allows essential hospital staff to easily order meals from a curated list of local restaurants via web app.

15 Minutes With: Drew DeCarme & Matt Gilbride

Project Tech Dive: Docker, TypeScript, React and Lerna FTW! Ken Rimple, Drew DeCarme, and Matt Gilbride reflect on the technologies and techniques they used to stand up a Docker-based web application on AWS.

Testing and Debugging Happily with WebStorm, Jest and Create-React-App

Those of us who have worked with JavaScript testing APIs on various platforms shudder every time we think about configuration issues. Whether it’s the test runner, the proper testing API, picking the appropriate mock/spy/stubbing strategy, dealing with async code, it’s always a tad complicated. However, some of my latest frustrations (self-inflicted, of course) center around … Read More

How to fix broken Jest in React 16.4.1 with CRA and debug your jest tests!

Having trouble with running Jest tests once you upgrade to React 16.4.1? Here’s how to fix it. Note, this is a rather time-sensitive post and will be obsolete once the 2.x version of create-react-app is released. But for now, it can help! Also I show you how to debug Jest tests. That part is still useful.

React application state management with Redux

The first in a series of posts about Redux, the de-facto state storage engine for React, and how to integrate it with a React app. In this first article we make a case for Redux over passing props for events and data, and show a simple configuration.

Philly ETE 2017 #42 – Avoiding React Performance Pitfalls – Alex Grigoryan

When @WalmartLabs built Electrode, the React/Node.js application platform that powers the customer experience, performance was one of our primary concerns. React’s use of a virtual DOM and support for server-side rendering have earned it a reputation for speed, but in building our platform we encountered several unexpected performance bottlenecks. In this talk, we’ll discuss … Read More