
Philly ETE 2022 — Why Rust? — Ashley Williams

Abstract For the sixth year in a row, Rust was declared the most loved programming language in the Stack Overflow 2021 developer survey, and there’s been an explosion of companies such as AWS, Microsoft, Google, and Huawei publicly discussing, contributing to, and investing in the language. In this talk, Rust core team member, Ashley, will … Read More

Philly ETE 2020 – Kevin Qian – Deno: Experiments with Javascript and Typescript

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract 11 years have passed since Node.js brought JavaScript to the server-side. As Node.js was gaining momentum and becoming one of the most popular server platforms, JavaScript itself continued to evolve in its own independent direction. Furthermore, with … Read More

Philly ETE 2019 – Carol Nichols – Rust: A Language for the Next 40 Years

Abstract Learn what makes the programming language Rust a unique technology, such as the memory safety guarantees that enable more people to write performant systems-level code. Hear about how Rust Editions evolve the language and the compiler without breaking existing code. See who’s trusting Rust for critical products today. Join us on Rust’s journey to … Read More

TechCast #108 – Carol Nichols on Rust

Overview Carol Nichols is a Rust core team member who consults and trains Rust in Pittsburgh, PA. She is speaking at Philly Emerging Tech 2019 – her talk is Rust, a Language for the Next 40 Years. Carol got involved in Rust when she was working on tuning Ruby application and wrote some C routines … Read More

TechCast #106 – Meet a Charioteer: Anatoly Polinsky

This is the Chariot Solutions TechCast #106, with our new sub-series, Meet a Charioteer. In this series, we round up some of our consultants to talk passion projects, opinions, interesting challenges, and anything and everything in between – tech related, or not. 

Today our host Ken Rimple talks to Anatoly Polinsky. Anatoly has been consulting … Read More

Philly ETE 2016 #37 – Rust in Production – Steve Klabnik

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Rust reached 1.0 a year ago, and so there’s a question everyone is asking: how has 1.0 tested in production? Is the language “ready” yet? In this talk, Steve will give an overview of Rust’s value proposition, focusing on examples and anecdotes from companies using Rust in production today. Slides from Steve’s talk are now available on the Chariot Solutions site.