
Developer News #72 – The Winter Break Edition with Historical Videos, new Google Sheets

This week we give you some light viewing for the week – a Letterman interview circa 1983 or so with the famous Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, and a really interesting demonstration by recently passed Douglas Englebart (search him above to find other DevNews articles on him) dubbed the Mother of all Demos (1968). Super cool stuff. Also, we discuss a nice little SQL tutorial website for PostgreSQL, the “Smartest Person in the Room complex”, our new Data I/O screencasts, and a few blog entries from Chariot’s developers.

ETE 2012 – Daniel Spiewak – Horrors of Static Typing

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From the abstract: Of all of the controversial topics in the field of (serious) software development, static typing is probably the most divisive. While the topic leads to fewer homicides than the perennial Vim vs Emacs conflagration, it still arouses passions and anger usually reserved for Gungans and fans of Visual Basic. This talk dives … Read More

ETE 2012 – Yehuda Katz – Ember.js: Attacking Boilerplate Where it Lives

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From the abstract: Ember.js is a new JavaScript framework that uses data bindings to strip away common boilerplate in web applications. By making it easy to bind objects together, all the way through to your HTML templates, you can think about your application in terms of the state of your model objects. You’ll never have … Read More