Chariot Solutions

Philly ETE 2015 #50 – Jamie Allen, Erik Osheim, Brendan McAdams, Michael Pilquist, Brian Clapper – Typesafe Scala, Typelevel Scala: What’s Going On Anyway?

From the abstract: Last year, Miles Sabin wrote that “there is … a significant constituency at the core of the Scala community whose needs are not being fully met [by Typesafe’s focus on stability and Java 8 compatibility].” That statement summarizes the mission behind, a project that currently consists of a fork of the … Read More

Philly ETE 2015 #47 – Seth Vargo – Taming the Modern Data Center

This talk will discuss the problems faced in the modern data center, and how a set of innovative open source tooling can be used to tame the rising complexity curve. Join me on an adventure with Vagrant, Consul, and Terraform as we take your data center from chaos to control.

Hands-on Bluetooth Low Energy Workshop

You’ve heard a lot about Bluetooth low energy, but do you understand how it works? This workshop will give you a chance to get hands-on experience building a Bluetooth smart device and an iPhone or Android application to control it.

Philly ETE 2015 #42 – Don Coleman – Creating Bluetooth Low Energy Apps

Bluetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy devices are everywhere. We’ll look at how to discover, connect to, and control these devices with software. You’ll learn how Bluetooth LE works and understand profiles, services, and characteristics. I’ll demonstrate writing Android and iOS Bluetooth apps using Apache Cordova.