Emily Melendez


With the release of Xcode 9, developers will now be able to use block-based Key Value Observation (KVO). Block based KVO will greatly reduce the number, and complexity, of errors introduced into apps by KVO. This screencast will walk through how to set up and use this new technique.

Philly ETE 2017 #36 – Parasitic Programming Languages – David Nolen

With the rise of mature programming language runtimes and vast open source software library ecosystems, designing a programming language and environment from scratch becomes less and less practical from the standpoint of acquiring a user base. Scala and Clojure have demonstrated the power of piggiebacking on the Java Virtual Machine, and the meteoric rise of … Read More

Layout Anchors

This screencast demonstrates how to use Layout Anchors. Layout Anchors are a way of creating NSLayoutConstraints in code that are simpler and easier to read than creating NSLayoutConstraints directly. In this screencast a simple screen that is completely laid out in code is updated to use Layout Anchors.