Ken Rimple

ETE 2012 – Douglas Crockford – JavaScript, Programming Style, and Your Brain

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From the abstract: Computer programs are the most complicated things that humans make. They must be perfect, which is hard for us because we are not perfect. Programming is thought to be a “head” activity, but there is a lot of “gut” involved. Indeed, it may be the gut that gives us the insight necessary … Read More

DevNews #46 – a bevy of Chariot blog entries for your developer fiber

Rebooting this podcast starting THIS WEEK!  I hope to have one developer news every other week, starting today. This summer has been anything but a vacation, with our training exploding and me spending lots of time in the classroom. I’ve also penned two updates to Spring Roo in Action, so I’ve been pretty busy. But … Read More

ETE 2012 – Doug Bellenger – Case Study: Creating a Cross Platform Experience

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From the abstract: During this talk, Doug will walk through Movitas’ successes and failures in creating a cross platform application that integrates destination information, communication functionality (messaging and calling), and social interaction for hotel and destination travelers. He’ll walk through the some of the development they’ve done to serve content to mobile web, hybrid applications, … Read More

ETE 2012 – Chiu-Ki Chan – Caching Strategies for Mobile Apps

From the abstract: Unlimited bandwidth? Always connected? Yeah right! Truth is, wireless coverage is spotty, and sometimes the internet is simply not available. In this talk, I am going to discuss a few design patterns that make your app snappy when connected, fully-functional when not. Caching strategies: persistent vs temporary Progressive loading: use placeholders while … Read More

ETE 2012 – HTML5 Apps in Java & Scala with the Play Framework

From the abstract: The way we build applications is rapidly changing. HTML5, Scala, non-blocking IO, real-time push, and the cloud are welcome advancements in the world of web apps. Play Framework makes using these technologies a pleasure. In this session you will learn how to build next generation applications with Play Framework and deploy those … Read More

ETE 2012 – Rob Spectre – How to Build a Cloud-Powered Karaoke Machine

From the abstract: Infrastructure-as-a-service can reduce your scale problems to triviality, lower the capital expenditure of your product launch, and other great buzz phrases. But can it help you rock the mic on karaoke night? Rob Spectre from Twilio finds out by live coding a karaoke machine from an empty project.

DevNews #45 – Rod Johnson leaves VMware, FuseSource acquired by RedHat, more…

Note – to view all of the links that made up this podcast, visit our Delicious show page at Sponsors Chariot Solutions Education Services – Training in Spring, Hibernate, Scala, Maven and more. Visit us on the web at Events Scalathon 2012 News Rod Johnson Leaving VMWare Spring project infrastructure maturing FuseSource acquired by RedHat … Read More

ETE 2012 – Tony Morris & Runar Bjarnason – Dependency Injection Without the Gymnastics – Functional Programming Applied

From the abstract: In this talk, we take a look at some specific Functional Programming patterns that regularly arise in everyday programming. These patterns are used to solve the same problems that DI attempts to by decoupling data types from their dependencies. We explore the algebraic properties of these techniques and discover how they give … Read More