
Peeking Under The Covers in Scala

Chariot consultant Michael Pigg takes a look at using the Scala compiler’s -Xprint option to show us what’s happening under the covers.

The new Angular router – naming conventions

This article is very old, and as such do not rely on it for information about the Angular 2.0 router API. As of this time, the new router has a few naming conventions to be aware of. Modifying the components directory I didn’t want to place my components in the root directory of my web … Read More

The new Angular Router – a simple example

In this post, we’ll look at how the new AngularJS router is configured, and how you can use it to route to a view area on a page. We’ll follow up with more sophisticated examples later, but for now, this is a simple ‘getting started’ post. I’ve taken a copy of a release candidate of Angular 1.4.0, the Router as of the week of 3/15/2015, and the latest version of Angular Material Design – a nice and simple UI layout API that is a nice alternative to Twitter Bootstrap. I used it for a simple image gallery display program.

ng-conf 2015 – Misko Hevery's Angular 2.0 Keynote – syntax, approach

We start our coverage of ng-conf 2015 with day 2's keynote by Misko Hevery, because that's what everyone had been waiting for since the debut of 2.x at his keynote back at ng-conf Europe. This time, Misko laid out the rationale for the platform rewrite quite clearly, explaining that it was driven by developer productivity needs and performance.

Android density buckets, or how to work with your designers…

How does Android development compare with your plain old development? Well, in short words it’s very rewarding in a sense that you see results of your work right away. You can also deploy it right to your phone or a tablet and brag about it to your friends. However, there are pitfalls…

FSM Actors in Akka

This post takes a look at the basic features of the FSM trait in Akka and implements a simple Tic Tac Toe game actor along with tests.

Exploring the Play Framework: Testing

This is the first in a series of posts in which we will explore building applications with the Play Framework. Today we will focus on creating a very simple barebones application and applying some tests to it. Starting A Skeleton Application Complete sample code for this article can be found at play-samples/minimal. The only prerequisite … Read More