
AngularJS Corner – How to unit test forms

A lot of people are still using AngularJS. It’s hard to port your entire application to a new platform and even language. This week we had a student who asked a very good question: how do you unit test forms in AngularJS? Well, this article got me started. I wanted to put it in context … Read More

Redux Middleware and Enhancers: Getting Redux to log, debug and process async work

The Redux API provides for monitoring and adjusting the state store using a middleware API. Middleware APIs can intercept requests to execute actions and generate side-effects. Common uses of Redux Middleware include: Persisting Redux state to local storage and restoring it on startup Logging actions and pre/post state for each dispatch Asynchronous processing in action … Read More

Replacing state in Redux reducers: a few approaches

There are a few basic strategies for managing state in Redux, and which ones you use depend on the level of language support an other APIs you have at your disposal. Here are four approaches: using a collections API, Object.assign, Immutable.js and the ES spread operators.

React application state management with Redux

The first in a series of posts about Redux, the de-facto state storage engine for React, and how to integrate it with a React app. In this first article we make a case for Redux over passing props for events and data, and show a simple configuration.

UITableView Swipe Actions in iOS 11

Overview One of the new but little discussed APIs in iOS 11 allows the addition of swipe actions on UITableView rows via the new UISwipeActionsConfiguration class and associated UITableViewDelegate methods. Adding swipe left or swipe right actions is now pretty simple, so lets just dive right in. To try out these new APIs, a very … Read More

NSAttributedString Enhancements in iOS 11

Attributed strings can be a pain to configure the way you want them. The attributes dictionary has always been a dictionary comprised of String-Any pairs. There have been some nice enhancments in iOS 11, though.

Large Titles For Navigation Bars In iOS 11

If you have played with iOS 11 either on a simulator or on a real device, you have probably noticed that most of the first party apps, such as Mail and Settings, use large titles in the navigation bar. We are going to look at how to implement the same navigation bar behavior in our apps.

Changing your iOS App Icon programatically

When iOS 10.3 was released, Apple opened up an API to allow developers to change the app icon for their app programatically. Of course this doesn’t mean you can change it every second like the Clock app, or even every day like the Calendar app. What you can do is change the app icon when … Read More

Handling Keyboard Shortcuts In iOS

The keyboard is an enormously important piece of hardware. The keyboard lets us increase efficiency while using an app by typing faster. It also gives iOS apps the ability to support shortcuts, which increases productivity even more. Common tasks for apps would be greatly benefited by allowing shortcuts, especially on an iPad, by allowing the user to keep their hands on the keyboard.