
Northeast Scala Symposium 2015

The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. The Northeast Scala Symposium just wrapped up in Boston. I braved the snow, ice, and bitter cold with Don Coleman, Al Iacovella, Nicolas Kijak, and Ken Rimple and lived to tell about it. We’ve collected highlights from a few of our favorite sessions in this blog post.

Exploring the Play Framework: Testing

This is the first in a series of posts in which we will explore building applications with the Play Framework. Today we will focus on creating a very simple barebones application and applying some tests to it. Starting A Skeleton Application Complete sample code for this article can be found at play-samples/minimal. The only prerequisite for following along with this article is to have a recent version of sbt installed. We’ll start by creating a project directory called play-minimal. Since…

My $scope Is Not Your Dumping Ground

This little problem came up in my recent AngularJS/Ionic app. It all started with an innocent modal dialog. There are several, but for the sake of simplicity, let’s look at the login dialog: The generic dialog plumbing is a div with a surrounding overlay that dims out the rest of the screen. You can click the X in the top right to dismiss it. Or if you fill out the fields the Log In link becomes enabled. When you click…

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