
Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2010 – First Day Recap

Our first day for the Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference was fantastic. The attendees have been engaged, the speakers have been really terrific. The weather was beautiful! I will try and give you a glimpse of some of the talks with short clips of interviews with as many speakers as I could catch. It may take me a few days to get all of them up, so keep checking back. You can also follow the twitter stream with #phillyete….

Jason van Zyl – Maven expert and Chariot guest blogger

Chariot’s blog is trying something new today. I asked Jason van Zyl to give our audience a preview of his talk at Philly ETE this year. I know it is a bit of promotion for the conference, but our conference planning committee knows we have the best content to date. This year, we are also partnering with Sonatype’s Maven Meetup. PHILLY ETE 2010 – GUEST BLOG Jason van Zyl, founder and CTO of Sonatype, will be speaking at Emerging Technologies…

Audio Interview: KYW NewsRadio on Social Media in the Radio News Business

On Thursday we did an interview with Steve Butler, Program and News Director of KYW News Radio, discussing the reach of Social Media in news outlets. We cover topics as diverse as Twitter and the generational divide, using social media to discover news stories and are all areas of social media right for every situation and business. Click on the Play button below to listen to Mr. Butler’s interview with Tracey Welson-Rossman.

Developing the ETE Conference iPhone Application

As you probably know, Chariot is hosting its annual ETE conference this April. This year we’ve added mobile device support for obtaining all the conference information an attendee would need. This included a mobile browser friendly web site, and both iPhone and Android native applications. I had the pleasure of working on the iPhone application and would like to describe, at a high level, the process and design/implementation decisions that were made along the way. The Importance of Storyboarding The…

Rapid Mobile Application Prototyping with PhoneGap

There is no doubt that carving out a mobile presence is a priority for many companies offering any type of product or service, or for start ups looking to gain rapid exposure. The Apple App Store has over 100,000 apps on it, and the Android platform is gaining ground. Those are just the cool kids – let’s not forget the grandfather of mobile technology, Blackberry. Others in the class include Palm, Symbian and of course, Windows. Multiple Platforms With so…

Mobile Platforms – Interview with Roy Rosin and Rick Rasansky

I am a little behind on editing a backlog of videos. As I continue to learn how to edit and not become frustrated with iMovie (why is it Apple can create so many great, intuitive products, yet this one is difficult to use! That will be another blog post for another time!) This interview took place a few weeks ago, but it seems to be more relevant now with the release of Windows Mobile. I sat down with Rick Rasansky…

Interview on JQuery

Two weeks ago, Chariot Solutions had a day long event for our consulting team. With the original name of Chariot Day, our team has a series of talks on all different subjects. Some of the talks are on topics which may never see the light of day in the enterprise, some are about more accepted tools. Some of those talks and presentations will be the beginnings for seminars we will host for the public. I thought I would take advantage…

Why You Need NoSql in Your Toolbox

Even if you work for Oracle, you still need NoSql databases in your toolbox. One size does not fit all for programming languages, operating systems, IDEs, shoes, bailouts, or anything else. But for a long time now, many developers have been told that relational databases are really the only choice for persistence. If you need to store some data — any data — shove it in a relational database. It is the safe choice, and gives us developers one less…

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