
Wrap up from our Grails/Groovy Seminar

Last week Chariot Solutions hosted a one-day seminar around Groovy and Grails. Or Grails and Groovy if that is your preference. Chariot has been trying to have two events a year, the larger Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise in the spring, and a smaller event in the fall. We have tried to use the fall event as a way to see how much support there is in the development community for newer technologies. We did this with Spring, Ruby, Cloud,…

Rod Johnson's Keynote at SpringOne – A short recap

Gordon Dickens sat down with Ken Rimple today to give a a quick rundown on his view of the conference so far on the Chariot TechCast. Below are some of points he recounts from Rod Johnson’s keynote, which opens SpringOne/2GX: Rod Johnson spoke of the history of SpringSource and how the community (estimated at around 3 million members by Gartner) has been an asset to SpringSource’s success in delivering quality frameworks to the IT community. He stressed the importance of…

Chariot demonstrates iPhone Application to monitor tc Server performance

Real-time performance insight application will be on display during SpringOne 2GX. We at Chariot have been working on an iPhone application to monitor Java EE application servers. Dubbed “ServerMonitor,” the application can connect to an application server and monitor various aspects of the system. This week we are demonstrating integration with tc Server at SpringOne/2GX in New Orleans. The application uses RESTful web services to communicate with a monitoring web application. The monitor communicates with the JMX Server on the…

Here we are at SpringOne/2GX

The opening night festivities have kicked off this year’s SpringOne and 2GX (Groovy/Grails). The keynote is happening right now and we will be giving a recap during the day tomorrow. While we are here, we hope to also interview (video or audio) a some of the committers we know to get an update on their projects. If you have anything you would like us to ask and who you might want us to interview, please post a comment. Our team…

Getting Started with Android

Today, I interviewed Andy Oswald, one of our architects. Andy is embarking on developing an Android application for the Philly ETE conference. In this talk, he discusses the choices he made in getting started. With so much information, he shows the particular path he took which may help if you are beginning this type of work. The site he references is actually : In future weeks, we’ll follow Andy’s progress as he finishes the application.

The Philly Tech Startup Community

Chariot Solutions was once a start up, way back in 2002. The beginning and the first few years were a roller coaster ride. And even though, we are now at the ripe old age of 7, I like to think we continue to operate with the spirit of a start up. Because of our background, Chariot is a supporter of the Philadelphia tech start up community. Start ups are a vital part of the region and help bring news ideas…

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