15 Minutes With: Amy Cliett on Lessons Learned from TechGirlz’ Virtual Pivot

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In this episode, Tracey Welson-Rossman sits down with Amy Cliett, the Director of TechGirlz and the Women In Tech Summit.

TechGirlz is a nonprofit organization that encourages girls to explore technology through the use of free, open source workshops. But these workshops – the backbone of the nonprofit – are largely in-person experiences: girls would gather together at a determined location to learn new tech together.

It goes without saying that the pandemic threw a giant wrench into the in-person component. Amy Cliett speaks to this challenge, and how TechGirlz pivoted: “We just had to move.” (Note: she’ll also be talking about this on a national stage at SXSW this year.)

Together, Amy and Tracey discuss the tools TechGirlz used to help foster connection even from afar, the importance of ‘checking in’ with other community groups faced with the same situation, and the surprise benefits of going virtual (which there were many!) Then: they look ahead to life post-pandemic: how does virtual play into the org’s future plans?

Above all, Tracey and Amy agree: in unprecedented times, it’s better to try, to fail, and to ask your community for forgiveness and feedback than it is to do nothing at all.

Watch the full interview below.

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