
Intro to Scala – Fear No More

Trainer: Sujan Kapadia, Technology Architect @ Chariot Solutions Location: Work-Bench 110 Fifth Avenue, Fifth Floor New York, New York 10011 Price: $100 Number of seats: 26 Date & Time: July 20, 2016 from 10:00am – 2:30pm Snacks and lunch provided Register Today! Workshop description You’ve likely heard about Scala already. Maybe some even tried it out and decided it wasn’t for them. Others may have stumbled upon blogs discussing highly abstract topics and ran screaming the other way. It doesn’t…

Intro to Scala at Philly Tech Week

You’ve likely heard about Scala already. Maybe some even tried it out and decided it wasn’t for them. Others may have stumbled upon blogs discussing highly abstract topics and ran screaming the other way. It doesn’t have to be that way. This workshop will be a gentle introduction to Scala where we’ll progress through a series of exploratory exercises.

Hybrid Mobile Apps with Ionic at Philly Tech Week

Are you interested in building mobile apps that target both iOS and Android from a single codebase? Yet you want a native package you can deploy to the App Store? This workshop will introduce you to the Ionic framework and tools for building hybrid mobile apps that can be deployed to multiple app stores. Over the course of three hours, you’ll install the necessary tools and infrastructure, create and deploy a basic hybrid mobile app, and run and test it in the simulator.

Meetup: Managing Clojure App State Since (Reset)

We’re hosting Clojadelphia, Philly’s Clojure meetup, on December 16th. Charioteer Anatoly Polinsky (@tolitius) will be speaking. Come out and join us! Register Today! Overview: Clojure is: powerful simple and fun Depending on how application state is managed during development, the above three superpowers can either stay, go somewhat, or go completely. If Clojure REPL (i.e. lein repl, boot repl) fired up instantly, the need to reload application state inside the REPL would go away. But at the moment, and for…

Tools for Building the Real-time Organization

When: December 8th, 2015 from 12:00 – 1:00 PM EST Organizations are facing increasing needs to deal with large volumes of incoming data streams. Those that can effectively process streams in real-time can make better, faster decisions. This webinar will describe a reference architecture using the Typesafe Reactive Platform and other tools that can be used to build out the real-time organization. The real time organization reacts to information in real-time rather than basing decisions on stale data. This requires…

HazelCast User Group Meeting – Nov. 19th

Meet Hazelcast Founder and CTO Talip Ozturk at HUG Philly. Talk: Distributed Caching with JCache and Beyond When: November 19th at 6:00 PM Where: Comcast Center, 1701 John F Kennedy Boulevard Philadelphia PA 19103 Co-Sponsored by: Chariot Solutions JCache is a vendor-neutral caching specification for Java. No need for proprietary non-standard caching solutions in Java land anymore. In this talk, we will cover how distributed caching works in general, capabilities of the JCache API, use cases, best practices and the future…

Hands-on Bluetooth Low Energy Workshop

You’ve heard a lot about Bluetooth low energy, but do you understand how it works? This workshop will give you a chance to get hands-on experience building a Bluetooth smart device and an iPhone or Android application to control it.

Take a Tour of AngularJS – April 22

Take a Tour of AngularJS April 22 6-8 pm Chariot Solutions’ offices 515 Pennsylvania Avenue 2nd Floor Fort Washington, PA 19034 What’s this JavaScript framework everyone’s been talking about? Join Chariot’s Ken Rimple as he takes you on a tour of modern JavaScript development with AngularJS. He’ll discuss the reasons Angular exists, why it’s taken over the developer community by storm, and where it is heading next. Ken will discuss the latest news from ng-conf, the official AngularJS conference in…

Chariot’s Philly Tech Week Events – April 2014

Attend one of our Philly Tech Week events and learn from us. Details are available here for these events: AngularJS Hackathon – April 8, 2014 – (sold out) – Learn how to write applications in the popular Javascript MVC framework. Javascript Build Tools Workshop – April 10, 2014 – Learn about how to build, analyze, prepare, deploy, and manage dependencies in Javascript using the latest tools. Chariot Talks Tech – April 10, 2014 – A survey of talks delivered at…

Book Signing for Don Coleman

Come meet Chariot Solutions’ newest author, Don Coleman. Don collaborated on Beginning NFC: Near Field Communication with Arduino, Android, and PhoneGap published by O’Reilly. We will have some books out for him to sign and some glasses to be raised because it is not everyday a book is published. We hope you can join us! Tuesday, February 11 2014 5:30 PM — 7:30 PM National Mechanics 22 S 3rd St, Philadelphia, PA 19106 RSVP today

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