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TechCast #55 – Interview with Boris Bokowski on Eclipse e4

Today we speak with Boris Bokowski, a committer on the Eclipse Platform UI project, and a Senior Software Engineer at IBM.  His participation in Ecilpse dates back to Eclipse 1.0, when he coded the CVS client for the IDE. We discuss Eclipse e4, an incubator for new technologies on the Eclipse project.  There are several new features coming as a result of e4, including: A new dependency injection framework for Eclipse bundles, based on the Java platform Dependency Injection JSR…

DevNews #15 – Macros, Compositional UI vs HTML/CSS, Python and Ruby goodness

It has been quite a dry spell in podcast land for the listeners.  We’ve been recovering from running Philly ETE last month, and are just starting to dig out.  Content will now start coming out in regular frequency again on the Techcast. *Phew!* This DevNews edition is more of a housecleaning of links than before.  The full list we put up there is at delicious.com/developernews/15, but we only cover about 9 links or so… News Items (covered today) Zen Coding…

ETE 2010 #3 -Thursday Evening Podcast with speakers from ETE

We held an open podcast on the evening of April 8th at the happy hour reception of the 2010 Philly Emerging Tech show.  I had invited James Ward and Michael Cote to sit with me, and see what developed.  Well, beyond the happy hour food and beer, which flowed freely, so did the conversation.  Adam Coombs from Infegy sat down with us, and later Ed Burns from Oracle joined the table. We had a great time with a wide ranging…

ETE 2010 #2 – The Great Web Framework Shootout of 2010

Chariot TechCast ETE Podcast #2 – the Web Framework Shootout of 2010 Warning: NSFW Our last web framework shootout at ETE was in 2008, and we felt it was high time for another meetup. Since then, Rails and Merb have merged, JSF 2.0 was released, Grails has become more mature, Spring has moved into annotation-driven configuration in a big way, and there are still a ton of choices for an architect to make when choosing a web framework. This year…

DevNews #13 – Cassandra likes the Groovy Python Migration Script!

Lots of topics this week.  Shownotes are available on delicious.com/developernews/13 as well. Submit your story ideas as tag “devnewsideas” and we’ll look for them before each show. South 0.7 Released Python 2.7 Release The future of CSS: The Flexible Box Model MGG 254: Storage, AirDisk, 10.6.3 Woes, SD Cards, and WebKit Groovy 1.7.2 – Three Features Worth the Upgrade | Javalobby Mercurial: Early Thoughts | Javalobby [Not covered on the TechCast] Wow. This is big news. The father of Java…

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