
Philly ETE 2021 — Open Source on Steroids: From Experiment to Global Impact in 7 Days — Michael Becker

Abstract This talk chronicles the heroic story of the development of CHIME, a pandemic modeling tool created at Penn Medicine to assist in hospital capacity planning. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to develop software during an emergency, this is the session for you! In this session I’ll cover: How Open Source Software (OSS) allowed us to turn a Jupyter notebook into an interactive tool in record time. How we leveraged cloud computing to scale our app so that…

Philly ETE 2021 — Systems Thinking — Keynote: Kent Beck & Jessica Kerr

About Jessica Kerr Jessica Kerr is a symmathecist, in the medium of code. She believes in learning systems made of learning parts: enthusiastic people and evolving software. She podcasts on Greater than Code and Arrested Devops. Currently, she spends much of her time building symmathesies through Industrial Logic. She has worked at startups (Atomist, Stripe, Outpace) and enterprises (Ford, Bayer, Sprint). In twenty years of professional software development, she has programmed in and spoken at conferences about Java, Scala, Clojure,…

Philly ETE 2021 ⁠— Amber Case ⁠— Keynote: Designing Calm Technology

Abstract Our world is made of information that competes for our attention. What is needed? What is not? We cannot interact with our everyday life in the same way we interact with a desktop computer. Technology shouldn’t require all of our attention, just some of it, and only when necessary. Calm technology describes a state of technological maturity where a user’s primary task is not computing, but being human. The idea behind Calm Technology is to have smarter people, not…

Philly ETE 2021 ⁠— Dr. Alan Kay ⁠— Keynote: Making Progress

About Dr. Alan Kay Alan Kay likes to say: “No one owes more to his research community”. He is a pioneer computing scientist and designer who helped invent personal computing, the graphical user interface, object-oriented programming, and helping children learn powerful ideas. Honors include the 2003 Turing Award “for pioneering many of the ideas at the root of contemporary object-oriented programming languages, etc., and for fundamental contributions to personal computing”; the Draper Prize (jointly with Robert Taylor, Butler Lampson, and…

Philly ETE 2020 – Theo Schlossnagle – Latency SLOs Done Right

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract Median, average, 90th, 99th percentile. We’ve all seen these metrics on our monitoring systems, both open source and from commercial vendors, but often they are used incorrectly when constructing Service Level Objectives. This session will show three different approaches to correctly calculating latency SLOs, and how histograms can be used to calculate mathematically correct quantiles and set SLOs based on those. About…

Philly ETE 2020 – Steve Boak – Designing Workhorse Tools

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract We’re designing professional tools, so it’s trite to say that our software needs to be fast, powerful, and intuitive. We need to build seamless, integrated experiences for a growing number of tasks and users. As our platforms grow in functionality and maturity, this gets harder. I’ll talk about some techniques we can use to build and grow interconnected experiences and platforms for…

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