
Philly ETE Screencast #3 – Ken Schwaber – The Path to Agility

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From Ken Schwaber’s abstract – “The move is on. More and more organizations are abandoning waterfall and opting for agility. The benefits are overwhelming, documented by Standish Group, the GAO, and DOD. Lately, two approaches to becoming agile have emerged. One is SAFe (Scaled Agile Framework), an agile template that can somewhat readily be overlaid on existing organizational structures. Adopting it provides agility.”

Philly ETE Screencast #2 – The Cable Company does Continuous What?

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This second screencast in Chariot’s ETE video coverage is by Comcast’s development team and discusses how they use continuous integration at the company.

Philly ETE 2013 – Philly Enterprise Hackathon Kickoff – $125k in prizes for a month of hacking

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This session announces the beginning of a landmark hack-a-thon in the Philadelphia community, which involves several industries looking to reach out and engage our community’s open-source software developers. Any interested group of developers looking to build an open source product, but without a specific target, can participate. Please review the rules in the video and sign up quickly – projects are due by April 19th. This video outlays the challenges in three different industries, and the rules, prizes and ultimate…

Science of Big Data 2012 – Stuart Sierra – Breaking Down Big Data with Datomic

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Every database technology is a product of its time, optimized for a particular hardware profile. Today, “Big Data” is often synonymous with the Map/Reduce architecture and Hadoop but, as technology continues to evolve, cost/performance tradeoffs are changing. This talk will highlight some recent trends in data storage technology and distributed systems, with a focus on how Datomic takes advantage of those trends. Datomic is a new non-SQL database featuring ACID transactions, distributed storage, and a unique data model that encompasses…

Science of Big Data 2012 – Tom Santero – Adventures with Eventual Consistency

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Tom Santero is a Technical Evangelist for Basho, the creators of Riak, a NoSQL database engine. His talk focuses on the concerns involved in keeping a large dataset up to date, mixing concurrency with consistency concerns. He reviews a number of techniques used by various types of software, including the Riak database.

Science of Big Data 2012 – Andrew Oswald / Josh Angotti – Hadoop at Comcast – a Case Study

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Chariot Solutions has been working with Comcast to enable better understanding of selections their cable subscribers make in their onscreen menus. Andrew Oswald, a Hadoop and data analysis expert at Chariot, led a team of developers in implementing a data analysis engine using the Apache Hadoop Map/Reduce engine. Andrew discusses how the solution helped their data analysis team reach decisions in near real time. Comcast’s Josh Angotti led the effort from Comcast’s perspective, and discusses his view of the solution,…

Science of Big Data 2012 – Mark J. Headd – Big Data in the Big City

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Mark Headd is the Chief Data Officer of the City of Philadelphia. The first official head of data in the city, he’s been working with other cities and with the city’s data science community to enable their work analyzing and visualizing data. He shows open data being enabled by various governments and agencies, visualization tools that can show maps of data such as CartoDB. He demonstrates crime statistics, service requests, twitter data, and historical data. He discusses data being released…

ETE 2012 – Daniel Spiewak – Horrors of Static Typing

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From the abstract: Of all of the controversial topics in the field of (serious) software development, static typing is probably the most divisive. While the topic leads to fewer homicides than the perennial Vim vs Emacs conflagration, it still arouses passions and anger usually reserved for Gungans and fans of Visual Basic. This talk dives head-long into the controversy and anti-typing rhetoric, looking at things through the lens of a language designer and enthusiastic type theorist. We will explore the…

ETE 2012 – Yehuda Katz – Ember.js: Attacking Boilerplate Where it Lives

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From the abstract: Ember.js is a new JavaScript framework that uses data bindings to strip away common boilerplate in web applications. By making it easy to bind objects together, all the way through to your HTML templates, you can think about your application in terms of the state of your model objects. You’ll never have to worry about parts of your view remaining out of sync with updates made by other parts. Because all views reflect the current state of…

ETE 2012 – Douglas Crockford – JavaScript, Programming Style, and Your Brain

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From the abstract: Computer programs are the most complicated things that humans make. They must be perfect, which is hard for us because we are not perfect. Programming is thought to be a “head” activity, but there is a lot of “gut” involved. Indeed, it may be the gut that gives us the insight necessary for solving hard problems. But gut messes us up when it come to matters of style. The systems in our brains that make us vulnerable…

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