
A Practical Way to Improve Javascript Code using Dependency Injection

We have all seen endless articles and walkthroughs for implementing The Greatest Design Pattern Ever™. The one failing many of them seem to have in common is that they all assume a user is starting with a new project. It’s relatively easy to set up an ideal theoretical project, and implement a design pattern, but … Read More

Lambda Four Ways, a Rosetta Stone for AWS

When I write Lambdas professionally, Python is my preferred language. It offers decent performance, a straightforward syntax, and high developer productivity. I’ve also used Java, both in demonstration apps and actual client work. But while I have some familiarity with other languages supported by the platform, I’ve never used them. So, with some downtime, I decided to implement the same Lambda in four different languages: Python, Java, JavaScript, and Go, to get a better sense of their strengths and weaknesses.

A Beginner’s Guide to Building a Custom Vite Plugin

ViteJS (Vite) has rapidly emerged as one of the most exciting tools in the modern web development ecosystem. Vite offers developers a highly efficient and flexible build process with sane defaults to get a project up and running quickly. One of the many features that makes Vite truly stand out is its extensible Plugin API. … Read More

TechChat Tuesdays #61: Yehuda Katz & Russ Danner

Today we welcome two speakers from our upcoming Philly Emerging Tech conference: Yehuda Katz and Russ Danner! Yehuda Katz is the founder of creator of the Starbeam.js and EmberJS framework, among many others. He is also a Philly ETE veteran, having spoken at many of our conferences in the past. Russ Danner is the VP … Read More

TechChat Tuesdays #46: Dev News and Kotlin Deep Dive

This week, Ken Rimple and Sujan Kapadia cover various stories from the world of Dev News – before dedicating the rest of the show to a deep dive on Kotlin. They also answer a few questions from viewers! Host Notes ETE is back for 2022! We’re virtual again this year, but don’t miss another great … Read More

Migrating from Enzyme to React Testing Library

React developers who tested their components using the Enzyme library in the past have been migrating over to the react-testing-library lately. Find out how you can migrate and take advantage of the various features it offers.

Vue 3.0 Might Be a Big Deal

Vue 3.0 was released on Friday.  I’m just pointing that out, so feel free to stop reading this right now.  Head over to their release notes to get the news from the proverbial horse’s mouth.

If you really want to take it from me, here’s why I think that’s a big deal…

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