
PhillyETE Screencast #27 – Clojure/ClojureScript – One Language to Rule the Web – Stuart Sierra

From the abstract: “Clojure is a modern dynamic language for the JVM, ClojureScript is the same language compiled into JavaScript. This talk will introduce the ClojureScript compiler and explain how it leverages the Clojure language and best-of-breed JavaScript technologies to deliver compact, high-performance web applications. Discover how sharing both data and code between a Clojure … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #22 – AngularJS Directives – DSL in your HTML – Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford

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From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we … Read More

TechCast #77 – Adobe’s Fil Maj on PhoneGap and – cross-platform Mobile

This week’s interview features Fil Maj, of Adobe’s PhoneGap project. PhoneGap is a cross-device runtime platform for hosting HTML and Javascript applications on tablets, phones and other hand-held devices. Chariot’s consulting practice director Don Coleman joins us as he’s worked with Phil on phone gap and plugins, so he lends a hand guiding the conversation. … Read More

TechCast ETE 2013 Session #1 – The ETE Javascript Frameworks Panel

Our first podcast from Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise is our Javascript frameworks panel. Led by Robert Hansen, author of GWT in Action and host of our prior Web Framework shootout in 2011, it includes developers who contribute to Meteor, Backbone, Ember and AngularJS, four Javascript frameworks that cover the gamut between all-in one … Read More

TechCast #76 – AngularJS with authors Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford

Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford, both speaking at Philly Emerging Tech this April, are co-authors of the forthcoming Manning book, AngularJS in Action. They are currently preparing for their first Manning Early Access release, or MEAP. When Brian was working at Google as an intern, he was exposed to the Angular framework and learned quite … Read More

Technologies We're Watching in 2013

From cloud computing to Javascript, from micro services to repeatable environments, from Android and HTML5 to Big Data and concurrent programming, Chariot’s engineers are keeping watch.

ETE 2012 – Yehuda Katz – Ember.js: Attacking Boilerplate Where it Lives

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From the abstract: Ember.js is a new JavaScript framework that uses data bindings to strip away common boilerplate in web applications. By making it easy to bind objects together, all the way through to your HTML templates, you can think about your application in terms of the state of your model objects. You’ll never have … Read More

ETE 2012 – Douglas Crockford – JavaScript, Programming Style, and Your Brain

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From the abstract: Computer programs are the most complicated things that humans make. They must be perfect, which is hard for us because we are not perfect. Programming is thought to be a “head” activity, but there is a lot of “gut” involved. Indeed, it may be the gut that gives us the insight necessary … Read More