machine learning

An ML tale: From notebook to production

Data Scientists spend their days working in Jupyter notebooks, which are then passed to an implementation team to prepare for production. This post guides you through that process, emphasizing iterative refinement. I will be using the scikit-learn and XGBoost libraries, but other ML libraries could be swapped in. While scikit-learn offers a comprehensive library of … Read More

Cost Optimizing an ML Feature Store

A client recently started building a new machine learning (ML) architecture with a feature store as one of the key pieces. The feature store was already burning through a lot of money on AWS Elasticache and it wasn’t even scaled up in production yet! The project was in danger of being shelved without serious cost … Read More

TechChat Tuesdays #28: TensorFlow with Rich Freedman

Today Sujan takes the reins as host, and welcomes long-time Charioteer, Rich Freedman! Sujan and Rich cover dev news, then delve into machine learning, TensorFlow and TensorFlow Lite, and some Arduino work Rich has been doing recently.

Philly ETE 2020 – Neel Mitra – Bring IoT and AI Together

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract Machine learning and IoT have become commonplace words in the enterprise workplace. Even in our homes we have ML-enabled IoT devices (we’re looking at you, Amazon Alexa). But what does it look like to combine ML and … Read More

Philly ETE 2020 – Jonathan Ellis – The Next Five Years in Databases

Check out our YouTube playlist to watch all the talks from Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise 2020. Abstract Last year at Philly ETE, Jonathan explained five lessons from his last five years in distributed databases. This time, he offers his predictions on the future: what impact will databases experience from machine learning, graph algorithms, hardware … Read More

Philly ETE 2019 – Leemay Nassery – Neural Networks IRL (In Real Life)

Abstract What exactly is a Neural Network? How do you go from experimenting with a deep learning model in the notebook of your choice to deploying your model to production? What is the secret sauce to a successful feature or platform that utilizes “AI” to accomplish the business goals or needs of your platform? And … Read More