
Philly ETE 2015 – Michael Toppa – Agile Contracts for Software Consultants

You’re ready to go with all the best Agile practices: you’ll develop incrementally and iteratively, you’ll have sprints and retrospectives, and you can’t wait to tell your clients about your velocity and show them your burndown charts. But all of your prospective clients are telling you they want firm quotes, and contracts with detailed specifications and delivery dates. How do you convince them a traditional contract is actually riskier than they think, and persuade them to instead sign an Agile (time and materials) contract?

Philly ETE 2015 – Don Coleman – Creating Bluetooth Low Energy Apps

luetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy devices are everywhere. We’ll look at how to discover, connect to, and control these devices with software. You’ll learn how Bluetooth LE works and understand profiles, services, and characteristics. I’ll demonstrate writing Android and iOS Bluetooth apps using Apache Cordova.

DevNews #97 – Day 1 of Philly ETE 2015

Annnnnnd ETE begins! Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise is Chariot’s annual tech conference for developers, by developers. To kick off our coverage, I sat down with two of our consultants, Michael Pigg and Sujan Kapadia, to discuss our day, talk about talks, and geek out about all the cool new toys we can’t wait to … Read More

TechCast #85 – Interview with 2015 ETE Keynote Tom Igoe on Physical Computing

In TechCast 85, we talk to Tom Igoe, one of Philly ETE’s 2015 Keynoters. Tom is an associate arts professor at NYU in their Interactive Telecommunications Program, and talks to us about the program itself, physical computing, and the Arduino, a board that he was instrumental in getting founded back in 2005.

Philly ETE #45- Patterns for Service Security in Hybrid Public/Private Cloud Deployment – Gulrukh Ahanger

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From the abstract: Cloud computing is not a new paradigm and has been utilized by organization for a long time as private cloud computing. Outsourcing cloud computing has rapidly become more desirable due to higher availability and flexibility of compute resource that is cost effective. Organization are adopting hybrid model for running services, that is, … Read More

Philly ETE # 41 – The Impact of Agile Quantified: A De-Mystery Thriller – Larry Maccherone

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From the abstract: Ironically, much of the Agile process is based on intuition. Folklore. Anecdotes. Tradition. Faith. Now, for the first time in Agile history, there is solid research backed by the hard numbers of 10,000 teams. And not surprisingly, that disturbs some existing foundations, rebuilding them with facts, evidence, and insights. This talk builds … Read More

Philly ETE # 40 – Stroop, Whorf, And Elixir – Dave Thomas

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From the abstract: The philosopher Wittgenstein believed that reality is bounded by our ability to express it: “the limits of my language mean the limits of my world.” Many others think along similar lines. I believe it is true when it comes to being able to express ourselves effectively. In this talk I dig into … Read More