ruby on rails

DevNews #67 – Monoliths begone, lock free APIs, Bunnies and RabbitMQ, and computer viruses by air

Links "Five tips for big software projects": “Dismanteling the monoliths”: – rails apps converting to Nodejs at Groupon I’m taking a stab at lock-free this week – First, my reading took me to Mechanical Sympathy (which we’ve discussed before) and now that there is a JSR for some new constructions – (StampedLock) this site has … Read More

Philly ETE Screencast #9 – Exploring the Internals of Active Record – Aaron Patterson

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From the abstract: “In this talk we’ll be exploring the internals of Active Record, the ORM used in the Ruby on Rails web framework. We’ll look at the architecture of the internals along with caching strategies, connection handling, and speed improvements. This talk will cover new features in Rails 4, as well as strategies for … Read More

DevNews #19 – Releases Releases, oh pay me, HTML5 salary please

Chariot Developer News Episode #19 Hosts: Ken Rimple and Eric Snyder The watchword this week is Release… Many releases upcoming or out, including FireFox 4 beta/preview 1, Tomcat 7 beta 1, and the upcoming Passenger 3 and GMail with HTML 5. Links are not being loaded to delicious yet, so here they are in their … Read More

DevNews #17 – Roo, Gradle, Grails, Rails, Security and Cloud Backup

Our development news episode today is brought to you by the letter ‘C’.  C is for Cloud. Links: Using gradlew (the Gradle Wrapper) for Easy Gradle Execution: Cucumber, a brief overview: Using OpenID authentication on App Engine: What’s a plugin-oriented architecture (Grails plugins and web slices): Using SpringSource Tool Suite 2.3.3.M1 with Roo … Read More

David Black at Philly ETE

David Black was kind enough to give two talks at the conference this year. The first is entitled Opinionated is Relative: Choice and Modularity in Rails Applications. The second, Barbara, Demeter, and Don: Notes on Some CS Precepts from a Non-Scientist Programmer, was rated as one of the best talks by one of Chariot’s consultants. … Read More

ETE 2010 #2 – The Great Web Framework Shootout of 2010

Chariot TechCast ETE Podcast #2 – the Web Framework Shootout of 2010 Warning: NSFW Our last web framework shootout at ETE was in 2008, and we felt it was high time for another meetup. Since then, Rails and Merb have merged, JSF 2.0 was released, Grails has become more mature, Spring has moved into annotation-driven … Read More

DevNews #7 – PyCon 2010, Unladen Swallows, Rocket Scientists, and more

Developer news segments are a weekly program, run by Chariot’s application developers and architects.  This week we discuss PyCon 2010 with Eric Snyder. Links can also be found on at Submitting a news link?  Just add one with the public tag ‘devnewsideas’ and we’ll try to incorporate it into the show. Note:  Sorry … Read More

DevNews #5 – Clojure, Charting, Scripting is Groovy…

Sponsorship:  Our sponsor this week is the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.  Early bird registration is extended – get your tickets this week – more information, including our schedule, is available at  Speakers include Uncle Bob Martin, Michael Cote, and many, many others. You can find the articles we’ve bookmarked at  Our URL … Read More