
Philly ETE 2014 – Jan Machacek – Reactive APIs With Spray

Learn the components of Spray, how they build on each other to offer convenient abstractions, and how you can easily combine the different abstraction levels in your code. Jan will show how Spray makes the implementation of even complex APIs easy and understandable.

Philly ETE 2014 #17 – Reactive APIs With Spray – Jan Machacek

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From the abstract: Jan will show how the principles of reactive design apply to APIs. In particular, Jan will show how to serve & consume REST APIs using Scala and Spray. The talk will explain the components in Spray, how they build on each other to offer convenient abstractions, and how you can easily combine … Read More

Philly ETE 2014 #8 – Have You Seen Spring Lately – David Turanski

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Today’s Spring is easy to get started with, easy to learn, and embraces convention over configuration. Join Spring developer David Turanski as he takes you on a tour of today’s Spring, including the Spring.IO platform, Spring Boot, Websocket support, Spring HATEOAS, and more! This is a Spring you may not have seen yet.

Order Out Of Chaos – Maintaining ordered processing of messages in AKKA actors

The reactive paradigm is a wonderful thing. The basic idea is that a reactive application, as much as possible, is asynchronous from beginning to end. It should be event driven, fault tolerant, scalable and responsive. Writing an asynchronous application, however, has it’s own set of unique challenges. In this post I’ll demonstrate an approach we took to solve the challenge of maintaining a definite order, specifically when performing database updates in asynchronous code within an actor.

Business of Technology #4 – Gilt Groupe CTO Michael Bryzek on Gilt and Open Source

In this interview with Gilt Groupe CTO Michael Bryzek, we discuss how the company started, the open source technologies they’ve used, and how their open source commitment has evolved. We take some time to talk about the scale of their operation, and how they leverage micro services as a way to make it more manageable and scalable in both infrastructure and human terms.

DevNews #65 – Apple’s patent for touching glass with fingers is upheld?

Links A great presentation by Joe Sondow on the Netflix Asgard Project– a Grails application server that deploys to AWS. Highlights include: Obama for America used it to keep its sites rolling and alive Used to be Netflix Application Console It is only one of the open source projects on Netflix’s GitHub page. Reasons not … Read More

TechCast #81 – Recap of the StrangeLoop 2013 conference with Joe Berger, Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky

In this podcast, I am joined by Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky, two of our Chariot consultants who attended The Strange Loop conference in September. I also have some reflections from Chariot consultant Joe Berger, provided via email. Strange Loop is a 2-day conference with wraparound tutorials, and also contained a language “un-conference” by Alex Payne.