
What's New in Ionic 2

Now that Angular 2 is final, I thought I’d take another look at Ionic 2. With an Ionic 2 Release Candidate also available, hopefully everything will be a bit more stable from here on forward… (Hopefully.) In any case, here are some of the differences I’ve found in Ionic 2 compared to Ionic 1: The … Read More

Testing Angular 2 Components with Unit Tests and the TestComponentBuilder (RC1+)

Note – I’ve updated this article and created a new github project using angular-cli to test it. Run all tests with ng test after following instructions at https://github.com/krimple/angular2-unittest-samples-rc Testing Components In my last post, I discussed how to write tests in Angular 2 based on the new angular-testing API. We learned how to stand up … Read More

Angular 2 Beta 0 (somnambulant-inauguration) lands – Small App with Rxjs, TypeScript

Now that sonambulent-inauguration, properly known as Angular 2.0.0-beta.0, has dropped, let’s see what the public API is shaping up to be. We’ll review how to create a component from the application bootstrap, using the Http API to fetch a JSON object from HTTP, and see how the template API has changed now that we have to use camelCased property names.

DevNews #96 – ng-conf 2015 – day 1 recap – Angular 2, 1.4 and more

Salt Lake City, Utah, is a beautiful place to have a conference. The organizers must realize that, as they planned ski trips and other events all around the show. That said, I’ve been locked up in my hotel room for the most part digesting what I’ve learned in Day 1. There is a live stream … Read More