Chariot Solutions

Philly ETE 2015 – Michael Toppa – Agile Contracts for Software Consultants

You’re ready to go with all the best Agile practices: you’ll develop incrementally and iteratively, you’ll have sprints and retrospectives, and you can’t wait to tell your clients about your velocity and show them your burndown charts. But all of your prospective clients are telling you they want firm quotes, and contracts with detailed specifications and delivery dates. How do you convince them a traditional contract is actually riskier than they think, and persuade them to instead sign an Agile (time and materials) contract?

Philly ETE 2015 – Don Coleman – Creating Bluetooth Low Energy Apps

luetooth Smart, or Bluetooth Low Energy devices are everywhere. We’ll look at how to discover, connect to, and control these devices with software. You’ll learn how Bluetooth LE works and understand profiles, services, and characteristics. I’ll demonstrate writing Android and iOS Bluetooth apps using Apache Cordova.

Philly ETE 2014 – Camille Fournier – ZooKeeper for the Skeptical Architect

Learn the core uses of ZooKeeper in the wild and why it is suited to these use cases. I will also talk about systems that don’t use ZooKeeper and why that can be the right decision. Finally, I will discuss the common challenges of running ZooKeeper as a service and things to look out for when architecting a deployment.

Philly ETE 2014 – Dean Wampler – Why Spark Is the Next Top (Compute) Model

Spark provides two important benefits compared to MapReduce. First, its performance is significantly better than MapReduce. We’ll discuss why. Second, because Spark is implemented in Scala and rooted in the world of functional programming, it provides better, more composable primitives that make it easier for developers to create a wide variety of high-performance applications. We’ll discuss these primitives and look at some example applications.

Philly ETE 2014 – Gil Tene – Understanding Latency: Pitfalls, Lessons & Tools

In this talk, Gil Tene (CTO, Azul Systems) will demonstrate and discusses some common pitfalls, false assumptions and problematic measurement techniques that lead to dramatically incorrect reporting results, and will explain how these false measurements naturally occur using the most common measurement methods and tools in use today.

Philly ETE 2014 – Ben Scheirman – Tips & Tricks of Effective iOS Developers

Learn tips & tricks that I have picked up in my continued journey as an iOS developer. I’ll cover quick tips that can save you time (like mastering the keyboard), software design practices such as identifying code smells, as well as refactoring & debugging techniques. No matter what your skill level, you’ll likely pick up something new you can use to be more effective as an iOS developer.