Ken Rimple

Testing and Debugging Happily with WebStorm, Jest and Create-React-App

Those of us who have worked with JavaScript testing APIs on various platforms shudder every time we think about configuration issues. Whether it’s the test runner, the proper testing API, picking the appropriate mock/spy/stubbing strategy, dealing with async code, it’s always a tad complicated. However, some of my latest frustrations (self-inflicted, of course) center around … Read More

Kotlin Al Fresco – Philly Java User Group presentation by Brandt Gigle

Much excitement surrounds Java’s younger sibling language in the JVM, Kotlin. Whether one is looking for type inference, the Elvis operator, or extension methods, this language might provide just the right tool for the job. Come learn about Kotlin and it’s features, how it stacks up against Java, and pick up some tips and tricks for getting started.

TechCast #107 – Meet a Charioteer: Brandt Gigle

This is the Chariot Solutions TechCast #107, with our new sub-series, Meet a Charioteer. In this series, we round up some of our consultants to talk passion projects, opinions, interesting challenges, and anything and everything in between – tech related, or not. 

Today our host Ken Rimple talks to Brandt Gigle. Brandt is fairly new … Read More

TechCast #106 – Meet a Charioteer: Anatoly Polinsky

This is the Chariot Solutions TechCast #106, with our new sub-series, Meet a Charioteer. In this series, we round up some of our consultants to talk passion projects, opinions, interesting challenges, and anything and everything in between – tech related, or not. 

Today our host Ken Rimple talks to Anatoly Polinsky. Anatoly has been consulting … Read More

How to fix broken Jest in React 16.4.1 with CRA and debug your jest tests!

Having trouble with running Jest tests once you upgrade to React 16.4.1? Here’s how to fix it. Note, this is a rather time-sensitive post and will be obsolete once the 2.x version of create-react-app is released. But for now, it can help! Also I show you how to debug Jest tests. That part is still useful.

TechCast #105 – Chip Design Legend Bill Mensch at IoT Fusion

Today’s podcast features Ken Rimple’s fireside chat with Bill Mensch, a pioneer in microprocessing and chip design. Bill Mensch grew up on a farm near Philadelphia, and didn’t think he’d end up as an engineer. But by studying his areas of interest such as math and science, he eventually ended up at Philco Ford, which … Read More

ng-conf 2018 day #1 – The triumph of the enterprise SPA

Ken’s take on ng-conf 2018. Dispatch #1 from the opening day of the conference, where the talks include a keynote on the future of Angular, Schematics and the CLI, Angular Elements, security vulnerabilities, SEO, and the Ivy renderer.