Tracey Welson-Rossman

Mobile development and your team

Throughout the next several weeks, we will be conducting interviews with speakers who will be speaking at the Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference ( These interviews will give you some idea of the material we will be covering. The first interview is with Mark Spence of Transmogrify and Rick Rasansky of Yorn. Rick and … Read More

Where is Java Headed?

Welcome to 2010! As a way to start the new year, Joel Confino, one of our architects and future blog contributor, sat down for an interview to discuss his opinions on Java’s future course. As you will hear in this interview, there are more options as Java is maturing. We will be exploring some of … Read More

Groovy and Grails seminar – G2 and Springsource Tool Suite

Here is another interview from our Groovy and Grails seminar. Brent Baxter had been conducting some research into G2 and the Springsource Tool Suite (STS). I asked Brent how they worked together and if this was advantageous to a developer. As you can see here, we certainly try to gather reflections from our attendees when … Read More

What is the story with Groovy and Grails?

In today’s blog post, we have a video taken at our Groovy/Grails seminar. If we were surprised at how much enthusiasm the attendees had, there needed to be some sort of explanation of why there is such a devoted following. Ken Rimple takes some time out of his speaking part at the seminar to explain … Read More

Wrap up from our Grails/Groovy Seminar

Last week Chariot Solutions hosted a one-day seminar around Groovy and Grails. Or Grails and Groovy if that is your preference. Chariot has been trying to have two events a year, the larger Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise in the spring, and a smaller event in the fall. We have tried to use the fall … Read More

SpringOne 2GX – Interview with Chris Richardson

It was great to catch up with a good friend of Chariot’s, Chris Richardson. Chris’s company, Cloud Foundry, was purchased by Springsource in August, right before the Springsource acquisition by VMWare. In the interview below, Chris discusses what Cloud Foundry does and where it fits into the Springsource family.

Rod Johnson's Keynote at SpringOne – A short recap

Gordon Dickens sat down with Ken Rimple today to give a a quick rundown on his view of the conference so far on the Chariot TechCast. Below are some of points he recounts from Rod Johnson’s keynote, which opens SpringOne/2GX: Rod Johnson spoke of the history of SpringSource and how the community (estimated at around … Read More

Here we are at SpringOne/2GX

The opening night festivities have kicked off this year’s SpringOne and 2GX (Groovy/Grails). The keynote is happening right now and we will be giving a recap during the day tomorrow. While we are here, we hope to also interview (video or audio) a some of the committers we know to get an update on their … Read More

Getting Started with Android

Today, I interviewed Andy Oswald, one of our architects. Andy is embarking on developing an Android application for the Philly ETE conference. In this talk, he discusses the choices he made in getting started. With so much information, he shows the particular path he took which may help if you are beginning this type of … Read More