
Simplify and standardize your Redux configuration with Redux Toolkit

The Redux team has developed a toolkit to simplify and standardize some of the techniques used to roll out a Redux-based solution. Known as the Redux Toolkit, it implements some design patterns that can help you write less code and organize it effectively. Read on to find out how it can streamline the configuration of your Redux application.

Getting Started with Lambda Container Images

Lambda Container Images were announced at re:Invent 2020, providing a new way to build and deploy Lambda functions. They arrived just in time to solve an annoying build problem for me, so got my attention. And there weren’t any tutorials floating around when I first Googled, so I figured it was worth writing one. But … Read More

Android background processing – a decision guide

If you’ve ever done anything in Android that takes more than 16 milliseconds to process then you’ve probably heard of Android services and background processing in general. Why 16 milliseconds? At Android’s refresh rate of 60 frames per second, the main thread can not be delayed by more than 16 milliseconds to avoid frame skipping … Read More

Running Cypress Tests on AWS CodeBuild

Cypress is a relatively new web testing tool that is easier to use than Selenium, and it’s gaining in popularity. But using it in a continuous integration environment like AWS CodeBuild requires some additional steps compared to running it directly on your own computer. This blog post contains helpful information to configure CodeBuild on AWS … Read More