
Testing and Debugging Happily with WebStorm, Jest and Create-React-App

Those of us who have worked with JavaScript testing APIs on various platforms shudder every time we think about configuration issues. Whether it’s the test runner, the proper testing API, picking the appropriate mock/spy/stubbing strategy, dealing with async code, it’s always a tad complicated. However, some of my latest frustrations (self-inflicted, of course) center around running Jest tests for React projects. In particular, I’m talking about running Jest tests with an IDE and using its debugging facilities when talking to…

Democratizing Music Through Streaming Tech and Data Analytics

This article was written by Tracey Welson-Rossman, Chariot’s CMO and frequent Forbes contributor. It appeared on the Forbes website on September 6, 2018. Brooke Michael Kain is the Chief Digital Officer at AEG Presents. AEG Presents is one of the largest providers of live music in the country: producing or supporting over 40 music festivals and managing and booking more than 80 clubs and theatres. Kain may have one of the coolest tech jobs out there and she is a…

Design is the Key to Better Customer Engagement: 5 Questions Executives Should Ask

Written by Mike Rappaport, Chariot Solution’s CEO. Often, as senior executives, we can be “big-picture thinkers.” And unless you run a business where an app is your core product (we’re looking at you, Candy Crush), digging into the details of software design can feel like you’re getting too far into the weeds. At Chariot Solutions, though, we believe that a holistic approach to software development leads to products that better fit the needs of end-users. An often-underestimated piece of this…

Pink Noise in Neural Nets: A Brief Experiment

Disclaimer: Some basic exposure to machine learning is assumed.   Neural nets are on the rise, now that computing power and parallel data processing capabilities have reached the levels that allow them to shine. Recurrent neural nets, the more sophisticated kind that possess time dynamics, have achieved spectacular results in certain areas. Overfitting, however, has remained a problem to watch out for—a problem that’s endemic to machine learning, in general. Although it cannot be fully solved in principle, a number…

Features Schmeatures, Build for Value!

Is Your Baby Ugly? Let’s take a step back to look at this thing that you are making. How do you know if you are building the right product or adding the right feature? We need some checks and balances to ensure that we are basing product decisions on what will provide the most impact for the end customer and not worry so much about vanity metrics.

Convert Citrix Xenserver XVA Image to KVM

qemu-img is a tool apart of the qemu-utils package that lets you convert a wide variety of disk images from one hypervisor to another. However Citrix Xenserver image format XVA is not an option for qemu-img, so lets add it! Here’s how to convert an XVA image to KVM. Extract the XVA image. A XVA file is a carefully created tarball we will need to extract. mkdir xva_uncompressed tar -xf virtual_machine.xva -C xva_uncompressed Create a raw image Use xva-img to…

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