
Not sure about Kotlin on Android?

I’ve been developing in Java for over 17 years on both client and server side. I don’t get involved with the JVM-based “language wars”, quietly frankly it’s because I’m not overly passionate about programming languages. That’s not to say that I don’t have preferences or enjoy languages it’s just that I choose not to put energy into defending or justifying features/deficiencies of a language. I’m a consultant so my focus is to be aware of strengths and weaknesses of a…

Lessons Learned From 15 Years In Business

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, around half of all businesses no longer exist after five years, while only one-third make it past their 10th anniversary. So it’s humbling to consider that my own company, Chariot Solutions, is turning 15 this month. While that’s no small feat, it’s also no coincidence. This software development company has stood the test of time by walking a delicate line, reinventing ourselves constantly while staying true to our values. While the two…

UITableView Swipe Actions in iOS 11

Overview One of the new but little discussed APIs in iOS 11 allows the addition of swipe actions on UITableView rows via the new UISwipeActionsConfiguration class and associated UITableViewDelegate methods. Adding swipe left or swipe right actions is now pretty simple, so lets just dive right in. To try out these new APIs, a very basic list view was created with some hard coded data. This app will allow the user to swipe right to make a row “read” or…

Updating text on a Loading spinner with Ionic 3

Ionic has a handy Loading component, typically used to display a spinner and message while some network operation completes or some other work goes on in the background. It works well for simple operations, but falls down for dynamic or multi-step operations. For instance, when you call the LoadingController to set things up, you can specify the content that the loading screen will display: const loading = this.loadingCtrl.create({ content: ‘Please wait…’ }); loading.present(); However, you can’t go much further. This…

AWS: Overview of IAM

Have you ever read something like this in the AWS documentation? “When you attach policy to a user, the user is the implicit principal. When you attach a permission policy to an IAM role, the principal identified in the role’s trust policy gets the permissions.” I spent a while trying to wrap my mind around offhand statements like that, with a lot of guesswork and without much luck. First off, IAM stands for Identity and Access Management. It turns out,…

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