
Implementing Handoff In iOS and macOS

Handoff is a neat feature that was introduced in iOS 8 and macOS (then OS X) v10.10. This capability allows an app to pass data across macOS and iOS devices so that a task started on one device can be completed on another device. In this tutorial we will implement Handoff on both iOS and macOS platforms.

Alexa adds Device Identity

We have an Alexa project where we’re using Alexa to control physical devices in the room. In a deployment, there are multiple devices in multiple rooms. But these devices aren’t lights or thermostats, so they aren’t yet candidates for the Alexa Smart Home API. A few months ago, it looked like we would have to create dozens of cloned Amazon accounts, one for each room, in order to be able to distinguish one Alexa device from another. Happily, Alexa has…

How to Fake Alexa Notifications

It’s a known limitation that a custom Alexa skill cannot perform notifications. That is, Alexa can only speak when first spoken to, and cannot spontaneously alert you that you have an appointment coming up or whatever. There’s a simple way to fake it, though, if you’re using an Echo device and you have a spare computer. The computer can use the Echo as a Bluetooth speaker. Then if you generate an MP3 of Alexa saying something, the computer can play…

Alexa, her Node SDK, and Firebase

When I first looked at Firebase, I thought it was garbage. (Sorry, I ran out of sugarcoating this morning.) But things changed when we came across an app that was a much better fit for it. That app was an Amazon Alexa skill, which needed to control content in a browser showing full-screen on a TV. We could have wired up WebSockets or something, but then it would have been on us to define a protocol and handle timeouts or…

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