
Javascript's Modern Web Tools – Introduction

If you’re used to writing jQuery scripts and trying them from your browser, you’ll probably be surprised to know that over the past few years, tools have cropped up to make the old browser language more enterpris-ey. This multi-part tutorial series shows you how the world of Javascript tooling has invaded and provided ways to handle dependency management, build processing, and application assembly in a whole new way.

Apple's New App Store Submission Requirements

Apple recently announced that new apps and app updates must be built with Xcode 5 and optimized for iOS 7 starting February 1st, 2014. What does this mean? Well, even if your app was built and released on iOS 6 and currently looks fine running on iOS 7, your next app update will change all that.  Building with Xcode 5 will now result in the app using the iOS 7 widgets when running on an iOS 7 device.  Depending on how…

Getting Things Done with Task Warrior

Sometimes I need to keep a list to keep me on target. Since I spend most of my day on a command line I need to minimize death by alt-tab. That’s one of the things that stops me from using the various beautiful task apps on the desktop. That’s why the command line GTD/task manager Task Warrior got me hooked.

Quality Software and Safe Refactoring Done Right (Hint: You need a lot of tests)

Building new software from scratch is one of life’s great pleasures for a developer. It gives us a chance to “do it right” that we typically don’t have when doing maintenance work. More often than not though, we find ourselves working on an older system and need to work around old decisions made by long gone developers. For old applications that still serve the business requirements, maintenance is the name of the game. We have to add new features, fix…

The DataPhilly Meetups

Sujan Kapadia writes: “This year I’ve started going to the DataPhilly meetups, and I think I’m hooked. The bottom line is DataPhilly talks are very intriguing, expose you to topics you don’t encounter everyday, and give you the chance to meet “non-traditional” developers (scientists and statisticians), whose ranks are rapidly growing.”

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