
AWS Lambda Development with Serverless Framework and LocalStack

Writing AWS Lambda functions using the Serverless Framework makes it easy to manage dependencies that your functions depend on as far as third-party packages or keeping track of the AWS resources that your service utilizes. The Serverless Framework automates a lot of the resource allocation and packaging of the functions with a CLI tool named “serverless”. When I develop serverless functions they can be difficult to debug without actually deploying the functions and that’s why I’ve incorporated the Serverless Offline…

The Serverless Stack (SST) Platform

Serverless Stack ( is another rapid serverless application development platform for AWS. SST (as it is also known) promises to streamline development and allow local debug of AWS Lambdas. It uses the AWS CDK and a set of its own constructs and configuration settings to make building serverless applications easier, and provide a more helpful developer experience by providing live debugging and updating of Lambda functions at development time. Lambdas support JavaScript, TypeScript, Golang, Python, C# and F#, though at…

Why you should be writing your microservices in Go

Keep it simple, stupid. The KISS principle is one of my favorites. Often we are guilty of making systems unnecessarily complex. This creates a miserable cycle of working with these things that we create. Does it have to be this way? Go was designed with simplicity and ease of use top of mind. I’m claiming by using Go to build your next server/service the benefits will go beyond the performance of your software.

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