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TechCast #81 – Recap of the StrangeLoop 2013 conference with Joe Berger, Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky

In this podcast, I am joined by Dan Boykis and Anatoly Polinsky, two of our Chariot consultants who attended The Strange Loop conference in September. I also have some reflections from Chariot consultant Joe Berger, provided via email. Strange Loop is a 2-day conference with wraparound tutorials, and also contained a language “un-conference” by Alex Payne.

DevNews #60 – Somebody buy Joel a Furby

This week – it’s Not about Furby, but about the new Apple iPhones. Your hosts, Ken Rimple, Sujan Kapadia and Joel Confino talk about whether they’d go out and buy one, whether they still display the same appeal, and what’s under the surface that could be a potential game changer.

DevNews #59 – Bugs made of paper and graphine transistors – does the NSA know?

YEAH! Integrating yeoman-style projects into a larger maven build – Addy Osmani comes up with the goods. Making Maven Grunt We buried the lead – NSA can get to everything Joel brings up the counter-point, an article by ARS. Vertx 2.0 Q&A on InfoQ w/Tim Fox – As per last week’s episode, Vert.X is an eclipse-hosted, run by Tim Fox at RedHat. Check out The VertX Gradle Template and if you’re looking for a good manager for Vert.X, groovy, grails,…

DevNews #58 – The London Eye – of Sauron

The Developer News is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Get trained in Scala, Spring, Grails, Maven, Nexus, and more. Links, please! Note – I accidentally named Don Coleman our “Director of Development” when in fact, his official title is “Director of Consulting”… Duly noted. Ken Rimple A nice, involved, deep tutorial on building a fantasy football league manager using AngularJS. Vert.X has really come into its own – a great article by JavaWorld on version 2.0. Duck, wait for…

Business of Technology #1 – AnnMaria De Mars on using cloud tools for business

Host Tracey Welson-Rossman and I discuss Dr. De Mars’ history in remote working, from when she started by using modems, dial-up and tools like telnet and FTP, and today, with cloud-based services such as Google Apps and Dropbox. A good introduction for those who are not yet using cloud-based tools for their businesses, we discuss some of the unexpected consequences of relying on the cloud, including the fact that it is never a good idea to stop backing up your…

TechCast #80 – Magnolia CMS and the Blossom Spring MVC Module – Boris Kraft and Tobias Mattsson

Magnolia CMS is a content management system written in Java that has a long history. Created more than a decade ago, it has evolved into a platform with a significant user base and a large number of third-party extensions that the team dubs ‘modules’. In this podcast, we speak to Magnolia CMS’s CTO, Boris Kraft, and to Magnolia engineer Tobias Mattsson. We first speak with Boris Kraft about the history of Magnolia CMS, and discuss some of the basics of…

DevNews #57 – Wherein we decide that PCs are dead, Java VMs still scream, and we want Keynote for Android

We know Keynote for Android will never happen, but keep listening until you hear about Ken’s encounter with a keyboarded, and moused, Android tablet in a remote assignment somewhere in Amish country… Quick sponsor note – registrations are now available for the 2013 Chariot Data IO event. It’s only $80 for an all-day conference focusing on large data sets, new APIs, and making information out of those bits and bytes. Register today! The Links Six technologies you should learn this…

DevNews #56 – Wherein we go shopping for drones…

Well, not really, but did you know the US public and corporations can’t buy non-military drones for corporate use yet? But it’s coming. Soon, you may be pulled over by a flying saucer who wants your ID. Here are our news items… Matz speaks about the future of software development – found from Ruby Inside for August 2013. Related to that discussion, Ken mentions a book from a Penn professor on Why good people can’t get jobs Hey there, happy…

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