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TechCast #52 – Peter Neubauer on neo4j – a graph database

Peter Neubauer (Twitter :@peterneubauer) is the COO of Neo Technology and one of the founders of neo4j – a graph-based database engine.  We talked about the neo4j project and discussed how it can be used from Java and other languages as an alternative that can provide highly scalable access to related data. Resources neo4j home page The top 10 ways to get to know neo4j Presentation landing page for Tobias Ivarsson – Python and neo4j at PyCon Social querying with Gremlin, the…

DevNews #5 – Clojure, Charting, Scripting is Groovy…

Sponsorship:  Our sponsor this week is the Philly Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise conference.  Early bird registration is extended – get your tickets this week – more information, including our schedule, is available at phillyemergingtech.com.  Speakers include Uncle Bob Martin, Michael Cote, and many, many others. You can find the articles we’ve bookmarked at Delicious.com.  Our URL for this week is: delicious.com/developernews/5 As always, you can bookmark items of interest on delicious.com and add the tag “devnewsideas” and we’ll try to incorporate…

DevNews #4 – Grails, Rails, Roo, Java and Haiku!

We have a bevy of good links this week.  As usual, Brent and Ken put together their favorite web links on delicious.  Review them here:  delicious.com/developernews/4 Sponsors from this episode include SpringSource, Sun, and EngineYard.  

DevNews #3 – Rails 3 online seminar, NoSQL, Grails and Flex, Grails Testing, and more!

Chariot Developer News episode #3 – February 1 2010 News Links: You can follow all of our links on Delicious.  Head over to delicious.com/developernews/3 for the details. Disclaimers: The opinions expressed by Ken and Brent do not necessarily form policy decisions at Chariot, for the US State department, or in the Federation of Planets… Ah, disclosure law.  Partners discussed in the podcast: SpringSource EngineYard (forgot it in the audio stream but we talked about Rails 3) Sun (discussing the Oracle…

TechCast #51 – Brian Sletten on the Semantic Web and what it means for developers

On this techcast, Brian Sletten describes how the Semantic Web helps to define relationships between interconnected data, discusses the various tools and APIs, and how it is already being used, even without our knowledge. Services like Friend of a Friend (FoaF), tools like RDFa, query tools like SPARQL, are discussed. If you don’t know what the Semantic Web is or why it exists, Brian gives us a good overview and it’s worth time listening to. Today, the US Government, wikipedia,…

TechCast #50 – Jeremy Grelle on SpringSource’s WEB and RIA APIs

For our 50th episode, I sat down with VMWare/SpringSource’s Jeremy Grelle, an Open Source developer who works on the Spring WebFlow project, among others. Jeremy will be speaking about Spring’s BlazeDS integration library when he comes to town for the Philadelphia Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise Conference in April. We talk about Spring 3.0, and about the following APIs: Spring MVC Spring WebFlow Spring Faces Spring JavaScript Spring’s BlazeDS Integration library for Rich Flex applications Thanks to Jeremy for coming…

TechCast #49 – Venkat Subramaniam on Groovy and Dynamic Languages

Venkat Subramaniam is a widely acclaimed speaker, author, professor, and creator of Agile Developer, a mentoring and training company. He joined us on the techcast to talk about programming using dynamic languages.  He is well known for his talks and book on the Groovy language, has just published a book on Scala, and discusses his philosophy for applying languages in our talk. Mr. Subramaniam is speaking at the 2010 Emerging Technologies for the Enterprise show, to be held on April…

DevNews #1 – Spring 3 ripple effect, facebook friends and more

This is our first Developer News podcast episode. We hope you like it. Links can be found by browsing our Delicious tags. Head over to www.delicious.com/developernews/1 for the links that made up today’s show. Leave us feedback on twitter with #techcast, or email techcastfeedback@chariotsolutions.com.

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