Developer News

DevNews #56 – Wherein we go shopping for drones…

Well, not really, but did you know the US public and corporations can’t buy non-military drones for corporate use yet? But it’s coming. Soon, you may be pulled over by a flying saucer who wants your ID. Here are our news items… Matz speaks about the future of software development – found from Ruby Inside … Read More

DevNews #55 – In which our titles are shorter, and we ask, why not Javascript?

In this episode, we discuss Javascript, javascript and more javascript… But, we also discuss DBaaS (YAaaS acronym), a tasty infographic, a set of web frameworks reviewed by the people who bring you JRebel, and more. Javascript – the future dominant language of the enterprise? First Apache Tomcat 8 Release Candidate Now Available PirateBrowser — designed … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #54 – Wherein an HTTPS vulnerability makes us drop our gear

A recent SSL / TLS vulnerability causes temporary panic in the recording room when Joel knocks over the headphone mixer… But seriously folks, it’s a doosie, one we’ll be watching over the next few weeks. The mixer mishap is pretty funny though. Also, I think I (Ken) mis-quoted the article about Don’s PhoneGap Build plugin. … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #53 – wherein Joel and Ken dislike everything

Joel and Ken cover: A twitter conversation wherein Scala is bigger than COBOL for job hunters, but not bigger than Pizza Delivery Dzone – My Java EE 8 Wishlist 160 million credit cards hacked by “high tech” cyber criminal gang over the past decade. Probably one of the most successful/destructive hacking groups ever. Their main … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #52 – SIM Card Hacking, JS tools, Unix tools for BigData

Show Links Sim Card Hack exposes potentially – millions of phones, potentially. Here’s hoping our phones use Triple-DES encryption. Foundation -vs- Twitter Bootstrap – a good overview of both and their strengths. Great comments as well. Unix commands for data science That’s what i sed, unix util(s) for fun and profit, head to your couch, … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #51 – More dev history, new Web IDE, Big Data debates, and more

New AWS feature – Resource permissions for EC2 RDS History of tech – Vannivar Bush and Douglas Engelbart intersected – he read Vannivar’s future of tehchnology paper – Another browser-based IDE, but this one has lots of integration – Developers begin to focus new efforts on tablets, phones hold steady … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #50 – Phones hacked, security and passwords, and more

It’s our 50th episode! More to come, now weekly. Send us feedback on @techcast. Topics ARS – You can crack iPhone auto-generated hotspot passwords in seconds – Android phone #s breeched by Facebook app – – ARS – The more complex the rules, the more annoying, and is it really more effective than just a longer … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #49 – Tools all the way down

This week we’re reviewing our favorite tools, development and otherwise. Joel and Ken talk about: and – two browser-based tools that make fiddling with Javascript easy and fun Trello – a good project-board tool. Codiqa – a browser-based mobile IDE for PhoneGap/JQuery Mobile Apigee – web service / data service hosting platform. Cloudbees … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #48 – Big Data all over the place

It’s the big return of the regular DevNews this week. My co-host Joel Confino and I discuss lots of big data stuff, including: They hype it, then they try to kill it – Why Big Data is not truth – just using Big Data techniques doesn’t make it easy to select good data to begin … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #47 – Chariot’s Steve Smith on the Apple WWDC and iOS 7

Chariot’s Steve Smith attended Apple’s World-wide developer conference last week, and we sat down today to talk to him about it. Topics WWDC ticket ordering process fun New hardware releases iOS 7 features OS X Mavericks His view as a mobile developer of iOS over the years including open source projects, etc… Note – all … Read More