Developer News

DevNews #36 – Kevin Griffin on iOS5, Java 7 RI is the Open JDK, Unity for Ubuntu, Listener Feedback, more

What a couple of weeks! The Philly Emerging Tech 2011 Conference really knocked me for a loop. What a great show, and so much to process from it too. We’ll have content coming in very soon, including screencasts of close to a dozen sessions. Look for announcements here and on our blog soon. The news … Read More

DevNews #35 – A slew of Google IO announcements, Scala forces join, and more

In this week’s episode, we’ve given Eric a lot of coffee and set him loose on the Google I/O announcements.  We also discuss the new Scala / Akka company, TypeSafe, Hudson being donated to the Eclipse foundation, 7 inch tablets, and Matt Riable’s foray into demonstrating Java EE 6 security. Raible Designs | Java Web … Read More

DevNews #34 – Google hires Gosling, closes Android Honeycomb, we talk productivity

Hello there, and welcome to April 1st. Still working on those screenshot URLs from our episode on Friday, but we do have the links from articles we spoke about in the podcast below. I bought a Mac. So sue me. | ZDNet – Hee hee, couldn’t resist.  Yet another person who walked smack into becoming … Read More

DevNews #33 – The triumphant return of Eric, Node.js, Rails Metaprogramming, much more

We start out this week looking at the career of superprogrammer Fabrice Bellard, and move on to topics as different as RSA seed files and potential compromise, Apple’s 10.6.7 update, graphing and data visualization, metaprogramming in Ruby, heck the list goes on and on… Brought to you by Chariot Solutions Education Services.  This Spring we … Read More

DevNews #32 – No Eric today, it’s all about the Cukes, Couchbase for iOS, Wavemaker, DSLs and more

Welcome to our Developer News, Episode #32. Eric is here in spirit and on assignment. He donated three articles – see if you can see which ones are his!. As usual, our dev news show notes are here, but can be accessed at Why and when you should use Cucumber Java for Mac OS … Read More

DevNews #31 – Rails 3.1 rumors, Forking and Joining in Java 7, Google Patents and more

The TechCast is brought to you this (and every) week by our employer / sponsor, Chariot Solutions.  We have lots of training in Spring and Maven coming up in March, and if you hurry you can enjoy an early bird special rate.  Visit our training calendar at Links (in no specific order – you … Read More

DevNews #29 – WebM takes the ‘M’ out of HTML5, JRuby best release ever, more…

This week’s Dev News is brought to you by the letter ‘M’, as in ‘WebM’.  Google has announced that future releases of the Chrome browser will no longer support H.264, instead moving to the new WebM and VP8 codec/format.  So we riff on that for a while.  If you want a really good analysis from … Read More

DevNews #28 – Web Frameworks, Amazon goes DNSing, Refining Ruby, and more

Eric and Ken talk about Amazon’s new DNS server, Route 53, discuss Matt Raible’s excellent web frameworks comparison study, discuss resources for Scala from the Basement Coders, talk about a new mixin feature request around the Ruby language, and more. Disclaimers: Chariot is a SpringSource partner, and uses Amazon and Google services. The opinions of … Read More

DevNews #27 – Java, Python and the Mobile Don

This week’s show includes BREAKING NEWS (we need some sort of web effect for this) – Apple is joining the Open JDK.  Should really mix things up. Oracle and Apple Announce OpenJDK Project for Mac OS X | Business Wire Apache threatens Oracle with Java exit • The Register PhoneGap Build Pyspread Django 1.3 Alpha … Read More