
Philly ETE 2021 — Bye Bye Frontend Monolith: Accelerating Feature Development with Micro Frontends — Michael Geers

Abstract Working on a large monolithic codebase is cumbersome. No single person has an overview of all functionality. Evolving the software becomes slow and the risk of breaking something increases. Adopting new technologies requires a lot of effort. The microservices pattern solved a lot of these issues. However, in most projects, it’s only applied to backend code. Most modern frontends are still monoliths, often tied to a single JavaScript framework. The micro frontends architecture changes this. There you split the…

Philly ETE 2021 — The SPACE of Developer Productivity: There’s More To It Than You Think — Dr. Nicole Forsgren

Abstract Everyone seems to be talking about measuring and improving developer productivity… but do we even know what that means? (Protip: you can’t just count lines of code.) Dr. Nicole Forsgren will present her latest research on developer productivity: common myths, the dimensions (captured in a handy acronym, SPACE), and example metrics. You’ll also get pointers on how to implement the framework in your own team and organization… because the right path to productivity is one that helps us do…

Philly ETE 2021 — The Edges of Cutting-Edge Languages — Richard Feldman

Abstract For decades, mainstream programming languages have drawn similar boundaries around what’s a first-class part of the language and what’s a third-party addition outside the scope of the language. For example, the language ships with a compiler that reads text files and compiles programs. The package and editor plugin ecosystems are completely separate. Compiled programs have unrestricted access to operating system primitives, unless they’re running in a browser. The list goes on! A number of modern languages are drawing these…

Philly ETE 2021 — Cutting Code Quickly: From 0% to Cleanly Refactored 100% Tested Code — Llewellyn Falco

Abstract In this guided demo, we are going to look at 3 different techniques that are remarkably powerful in combination to cut through legacy code without having to go through the bother of reading or understanding it. The techniques are: Combination Testing: to get 100% test coverage quickly Code Coverage as guidance: to help us make decisions about inputs and deletion Provable Refactorings: to help us change code without having to worry about it In combination, these 3 techniques can…

Philly ETE 2021 — Cloud Engineering: Developers and Infrastructure Teams Together, At Last — Joe Duffy

Abstract Over the past 5 years, cloud infrastructure has gone from a tax, cost-center, and afterthought – to being central to how modern businesses are reinventing themselves and innovating through cloud software. Infrastructure is no longer “boring.” As a practitioner trying to succeed in this brave new world, though, what does this mean? It means tighter schedules, more complexity in the software we’re building and operating, and a breakdown in the old way of doing things. Kubernetes, Cloud Native, Serverless,…

Philly ETE 2021 — Augmented Reality on the Web — Ada Rose Cannon

Abstract In this talk, Ada will introduce the Web Standards which allow you to do Augmented Reality on the Web, including how those specifications are developed and what’s coming down the road for AR and VR on the Web. About Ada Rose Cannon Ada Rose Cannon is a Developer Advocate for the privacy focused web browser Samsung Internet, she is also co-chair of the W3C Immersive Web Groups, these groups bring together many organisations and individuals to develop the future…

Philly ETE 2021 — Chaos Engineering: When The Network Breaks — Tammy Bryant Butow

Abstract Chaos engineering is a disciplined approach to identifying failures before they become outages. By proactively testing how a system responds under stress, you can identify and fix failures before they end up in the news. Chaos engineering lets you compare what you think will happen to what actually happens in your systems. You literally break things on purpose to learn how to build more resilient systems. In this session, Tammy leads a walk‑through of network chaos engineering, covering the…

Philly ETE 2021 — From Big Bangs To Crockpots: Strategies For Changing Prod With No Downtime — Ryan Bergman

Abstract Like many companies, John Deere has outgrown its data centers and moved to the cloud. In this talk I recount a few different types of migrations and transformations as we moved from our small town to the big city. This includes moving a high volume transactional monolith from Moline Illinois to AWS with only 5 seconds of downtime, rewriting the permission storage systems for everything (twice), and balancing storage vs. performance in dealing with a 50 petabyte agronomic data…

Philly ETE 2021 — Open Source on Steroids: From Experiment to Global Impact in 7 Days — Michael Becker

Abstract This talk chronicles the heroic story of the development of CHIME, a pandemic modeling tool created at Penn Medicine to assist in hospital capacity planning. If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to develop software during an emergency, this is the session for you! In this session I’ll cover: How Open Source Software (OSS) allowed us to turn a Jupyter notebook into an interactive tool in record time. How we leveraged cloud computing to scale our app so that…

Philly ETE 2021 — Systems Thinking — Keynote: Kent Beck & Jessica Kerr

About Jessica Kerr Jessica Kerr is a symmathecist, in the medium of code. She believes in learning systems made of learning parts: enthusiastic people and evolving software. She podcasts on Greater than Code and Arrested Devops. Currently, she spends much of her time building symmathesies through Industrial Logic. She has worked at startups (Atomist, Stripe, Outpace) and enterprises (Ford, Bayer, Sprint). In twenty years of professional software development, she has programmed in and spoken at conferences about Java, Scala, Clojure,…

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