
Using the AWS CDK IRL: Part 2

A while back, I wrote a post entitled Using The AWS CDK In Real Life. It was educational, but running Zoneminder on AWS is pretty expensive, and probably isn’t a good idea…

15 Minutes With: Sue Springsteen, President of H2O Connected

Today, Tracey Welson-Rossman and Sue Spolan chat with Susan Springsteen, the President of H2O Connected, LLC. H2O Connected is an IoT solution that gives property managers immediate insights into their toilet systems to detect leaks, monitor activity, prioritize repairs, get flooding alerts, and more.

Running the SAM CLI on Linux

I find the SAM (Serverless Application Model) CLI extremely frustrating to use on Linux, starting with installation. But this week I learned two things that simplify both installation and operation. I’m passing them on in the hopes that they’ll be useful to you as well.

Running Cypress Tests on AWS CodeBuild

Cypress is a relatively new web testing tool that is easier to use than Selenium, and it’s gaining in popularity. But using it in a continuous integration environment like AWS CodeBuild requires some additional steps compared to running it directly on your own computer. This blog post contains helpful information to configure CodeBuild on AWS … Read More

RDS Database Authentication with Spring Boot: Part 2, IAM Authentication

Frequent database password changes are a best practice, because they reduce the “blast radius” if compromised. However, restarting your applications in order to pick up the latest password can be onerous in a large deployment. This post describes how to implement a custom Postgres datasource that calls on IAM to generate a password whenever your application opens a connection to the database.

RDS Database Authentication with Spring Boot: Part 1, Secrets Manager

Frequent database password changes are a best practice, because they reduce the “blast radius” if compromised. However, restarting your applications in order to pick up the latest password can be onerous in a large deployment. This post describes how to use AWSLabs database driver that retrieves the current password from Secrets Manager whenever your application opens a connection to the database.