
DevNews #74 – Our 2013 recap, 2014 guesses and much more

Ken and Joel give their “predictions” and “recap” of 2014, which is purely their version, but somebody’s got to do it. Also, we talk tools for testing in NodeJS, namely Mocha and Chai, some linux and regex visualization websites, a < $300 ChromeBook announced by Toshiba at CES, writing and posting HTML content on GitHub using gh_pages, and more.

Javascript's Modern Web Tools – Introduction

If you’re used to writing jQuery scripts and trying them from your browser, you’ll probably be surprised to know that over the past few years, tools have cropped up to make the old browser language more enterpris-ey. This multi-part tutorial series shows you how the world of Javascript tooling has invaded and provided ways to handle dependency management, build processing, and application assembly in a whole new way.

Data I/O 2013 – Vert.X – Async Data from Cluster to Browser – Lance Ball

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Vert.x is an asynchronous, event-driven application platform similar in style to Node.js, except it runs on the JVM. It supports several JVM languages, including Javascript, and uses a multi-reactor event loop to handle a very high number of concurrent connections. Learn about it in this screencast from Data I/O 2013.

ETE 2013 Screencast #38 – JavaScript Frameworks Panel: Which is the right framework for me?

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ARVE Error: loop not valid
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In this panel we will discuss the merits of some of these tools and what to look for when selecting a tool for a given project. What are the benefits of compiling to JavaScript as opposed to coding in it? What are the core differences between different MVC solutions? What are the tradeoffs that you make when you use an integrated framework that runs on both the client and server side? What about testing, security, and continuous integration? And if you are new to developing JavaScript applications, where do you start? Featuring Tim Branyen (Backbone contributor), Brian Ford (AngularJS core developer and co-author of AngularJS in Action), Yehuda Katz (co-author of jQuery in Action and creator of Ember), Avital Oliver (Meteor core developer), Lukas Ruebbelke (co-author of AngularJS in Action), and Robert Hanson (moderator, co-author of GWT in Action)

DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data science, to some nitty gritty Javascript, a new reactive project in Spring, we got it all. Don’t forget to post us on the LifeHacker favorite podcasts page!

DevNews #55 – In which our titles are shorter, and we ask, why not Javascript?

In this episode, we discuss Javascript, javascript and more javascript… But, we also discuss DBaaS (YAaaS acronym), a tasty infographic, a set of web frameworks reviewed by the people who bring you JRebel, and more. Javascript – the future dominant language of the enterprise? First Apache Tomcat 8 Release Candidate Now Available PirateBrowser — designed … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #54 – Wherein an HTTPS vulnerability makes us drop our gear

A recent SSL / TLS vulnerability causes temporary panic in the recording room when Joel knocks over the headphone mixer… But seriously folks, it’s a doosie, one we’ll be watching over the next few weeks. The mixer mishap is pretty funny though. Also, I think I (Ken) mis-quoted the article about Don’s PhoneGap Build plugin. … Read More