
Getting Started with Burpless: Writing Cucumber Tests in Clojure

No matter how rapidly the world of software development may change, one constant is the need to ensure the quality, functionality, and reliability of our software applications. As our demand for more and more complex applications continues to increase, so does the risk, not only that developers might program something incorrectly thereby introducing bugs, but … Read More

Testing and Debugging Happily with WebStorm, Jest and Create-React-App

Those of us who have worked with JavaScript testing APIs on various platforms shudder every time we think about configuration issues. Whether it’s the test runner, the proper testing API, picking the appropriate mock/spy/stubbing strategy, dealing with async code, it’s always a tad complicated. However, some of my latest frustrations (self-inflicted, of course) center around … Read More

React application state management with Redux

The first in a series of posts about Redux, the de-facto state storage engine for React, and how to integrate it with a React app. In this first article we make a case for Redux over passing props for events and data, and show a simple configuration.

Testing Angular 2.0.x Services and Http with Jasmine and Karma

So you’d like to test your HTTP services in Angular 2.0 but you don’t know how? Have some background in Angular 1’s ngMock library? Or just want to see how it’s done? Read this article and follow along with the provided GitHub repo to learn how. Chariot’s Ken Rimple, co-author of our Angular 2 and React training courses, shows you how.

Testing Http Services in Angular 2 with Jasmine (RC1+)

Right now it's hard to find samples of tests against Angular 2 observable Http code for developers in the current beta. Some of the things you have to watch out for are non-obvious. I expect this will improve vastly over time, but for now hopefully you'll get some working code samples from me to get you going. This post will show you how it’s done.

DevNews #95 – We talk about new AWS services, Angular JS 2.0 surfaces, and the Apple Car is a thing?

In this episode, we talk about Waitr and Protractor, two Jasmine WebDriver APIs, Angular 2.0 surfaces, we talk about Apple’s self-driving car, and discuss a bunch of new Amazon AWS features including Cloud Trail for Route53 and health checks. Stay to the end for our silly Apple Car jokes.