
Large Titles For Navigation Bars In iOS 11

If you have played with iOS 11 either on a simulator or on a real device, you have probably noticed that most of the first party apps, such as Mail and Settings, use large titles in the navigation bar. We are going to look at how to implement the same navigation bar behavior in our apps.

Handling Keyboard Shortcuts In iOS

The keyboard is an enormously important piece of hardware. The keyboard lets us increase efficiency while using an app by typing faster. It also gives iOS apps the ability to support shortcuts, which increases productivity even more. Common tasks for apps would be greatly benefited by allowing shortcuts, especially on an iPad, by allowing the user to keep their hands on the keyboard.

Enabling Siri Integration With SiriKit

SiriKit was created for developers in iOS 10. However, there were, and still are, a limited number of intent domains with which you can integrate an app. An intent domain is simply a category of app that can take advantage of Siri. With the release of iOS 11, a few new domains are being made available. This tutorial will walk through implementing SiriKit with the “Lists and Notes” domain, although, the core concepts can be applied to any domain.

Implementing Drag and Drop in iOS 11 Part 2 – Handling The Drag

At WWDC Apple announced that iOS 11 will now support Drag and Drop. This works not only within an app, but also from one app to another. Dragging between apps is only supported on iPads. This tutorial will walk through how to implement exporting data via Drag and Drop.

Implementing Drag and Drop in iOS 11 Part 1 – Handling The Drop

At WWDC Apple announced that iOS 11 will now support Drag and Drop. This works not only within an app, but also from one app to another. Dragging between apps is only supported on iPads. This tutorial will walk through how to implement receiving data from Drag and Drop.

Making a Java SafeString that works with all unicode characters

In Java, there is an issue with String when using characters that take up more than 2 bytes in UTF-16. substring() and similar methods can split the character in the middle. I was thinking switching Strings to UTF-8 might be good, and there are currently two JEPs for Java 9 somewhat related to this. 226: UTF-8 Property Files and 254: Compact Strings. But thinking about this a little more, I don’t necessarily want a UTF-8 String class, but a String class that works with all unicode characters. Here’s how I did it.

Changing Java 8 – handling nulls with the AST

One aspect of Java 8 that would be nice to change is the handling of nulls. Can testName.getName() be changed so that a NullPointerException is never thrown, even if testName is null? Is it possible to modify java to support this directly? Java does provide an interface to read the Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) in … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #31 – Going Big with Big Data – One Step at a Time – Anita Garimella Andrews

ARVE Error:
ARVE Error: loop not valid
loop not valid
autoplay not valid

From the abstract: “Big Data is almost scary nowadays. Some small, young companies are so advanced in their use of data – but their datasets are small, so statistical validity constantly comes up. Some Fortune 100 companies haven’t even started. And other large companies have such a morass of badly integrated, inaccurate or unused data … Read More