
Building Lambdas with Poetry

Coming from a Java background, I consider the Python development process to be a bit of a mess. The pieces are all there: a central repository for publicly-available packages, a way to install the packages you want, and several ways to run your program with only those packages. But it seems that everybody has a different way to combine those pieces. So when a colleague introduced me to Poetry, my first reaction was “oh great, another tool that solves part of my problem.” But after spending time with it, I don’t want to build Lambdas any other way.

Design Thinking Crash Course: Journal My Health

Design Thinking Design Thinking is a popular design methodology that cycles through five stages to provide solutions to complex and unknown problems. At a high level, following the system will enable you to achieve the best solutions by understanding your users’ needs, redefining the problems in a human-centered perspective, thinking of lots of possible solutions, creating an approach to easily test the ideas, and then testing them. The kicker is this can be a linear process, but it probably shouldn’t…

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