
Saving Blood Pressure data to Apple's HealthKit

While working on one of our demo mobile apps for the upcoming SXSW conference, I found the need to store blood pressure and heart rate data in HealthKit. Apple’s documentation is pretty solid and has some good examples on how to use the HealthKit framework. In this short post, I’ll walk through the code snippets required to request access to write data to HealthKit and then actually write the data. The demo app I am working on interacts with a…

Tyk as an on-premise API Gateway

Recently we looked at API Gateway products for a microservices project. The constraints were that on-premise was preferred, low-cost was preferred, and open source would be fine. While we could have built something simple, the thought was that a product would have more in the way of management and monitoring features. We settled on Tyk for the time being. Here is a quick summary of our evaluation.

What's New in Ionic 2

Now that Angular 2 is final, I thought I’d take another look at Ionic 2. With an Ionic 2 Release Candidate also available, hopefully everything will be a bit more stable from here on forward… (Hopefully.) In any case, here are some of the differences I’ve found in Ionic 2 compared to Ionic 1: The Obvious: Angular 2, TypeScript, and all that entails. If you’re not willing to buy into TypeScript and transpiling, there’s not much point in reading any…

Unit Testing Angular 2.0.x Components using TestBed and ComponentFixture

Note – This article is an updated version of the rc1 version, and as such it now covers Angular 2.0.1 and above, the official release of 2.0. The main difference here is the way the framework is started, using the TestBed API. Testing Components In my last post, I discussed how to write tests in Angular 2 based on the new Angular 2.0 TestBed API. We learned how to stand up a service using the TestBed’s configureTestingModule API, injecting the…

Building our first tvOS app

When the 4th-generation Apple TV and tvOS were released, anyone could write apps for the TV, not just Apple partners. I decided to write an app to make ETE presentations and other Chariot content available though an app. (Now I can catch up on presentations while relaxing on the couch.) In this post I’ll take a quick look at some of the architecture choices made when building our first tvOS app.

Social Engineering at DEFCON

Hello, Dave? My name is Larry Smith and I am calling from WZT, the company handling RTD’s HR. There have been a number of complaints regarding the on-boarding process. Now how long have you been with this company? – Three months. Ok, great, so when you started what kind of training were you provided? – We had one training session. Ok, great and what are your working hours: – 8 – 5, lunch break with two smoking breaks And for…

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