Developer News

DevNews #74 – Our 2013 recap, 2014 guesses and much more

Ken and Joel give their “predictions” and “recap” of 2014, which is purely their version, but somebody’s got to do it. Also, we talk tools for testing in NodeJS, namely Mocha and Chai, some linux and regex visualization websites, a < $300 ChromeBook announced by Toshiba at CES, writing and posting HTML content on GitHub using gh_pages, and more.

Developer News #72 – The Winter Break Edition with Historical Videos, new Google Sheets

This week we give you some light viewing for the week – a Letterman interview circa 1983 or so with the famous Rear Admiral Grace Hopper, and a really interesting demonstration by recently passed Douglas Englebart (search him above to find other DevNews articles on him) dubbed the Mother of all Demos (1968). Super cool stuff. Also, we discuss a nice little SQL tutorial website for PostgreSQL, the “Smartest Person in the Room complex”, our new Data I/O screencasts, and a few blog entries from Chariot’s developers.

DevNews delayed until Friday

We’ve been detained… Sorry to all of our fans out there, we’ve been unavoidably detained by the MCP from Tron until Friday. We’ll have a show then, and we’ll be off for a week over the Christmas Break, to return on the following Monday. Ken Rimple

DevNews #71 – Roblox, one hour of code, Google’s robot army and more

This week, we talk about some kid related topics, including Roblox and “An hour of code”, an initiative for getting students to learn how to program. We cover Big-O notation and come back slightly better off, but with some more in-depth suggestions for you. We also talk about an article on regular expressions, how TestingBog ditched AWS, Joyant is now supporting Node.js, the bad stigma of being called a techie, and bitcoins.

DevNews #70 – Droids and flying robots taking over the world and Scala.JS

Lots of tech news available today, none of it (well aside from DNA crunching) needs an advanced degree! We have news on Typesafe’s Jamie Allen’s keynote at JAXEnter 2013 in London, two robot stories, a tale about lost bitcoins, DNA Analysis in Javascript, and Githubs expanding contexts for diffs. Also, Joel brings us a review of his first impressions with Ember.js and micro-services are exploding – what does that mean for the enterprise CTO / CIO who bets on that strategy? Find out by listening… It’s all here in the DevNews.

DevNews #69 – Google Machine Learning Becomes Sentient – or does it just love shredders?

In this episode, Joel warns us that the machines have started to learn on their own – and that maybe they can tell shredders apart from trashcans… Also, a great TechCrunch article on how you can now build dynamic grids of compute servers using Mesos and have them automatically bootstrapped and configured by Docker. We talk about CoreOS, which is a small linux distro for beginning machine configurations, the Genymotion android VM that everyone was talking about at AnDevCon2013, and more.

DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data science, to some nitty gritty Javascript, a new reactive project in Spring, we got it all. Don’t forget to post us on the LifeHacker favorite podcasts page!

DevNews #67 – Monoliths begone, lock free APIs, Bunnies and RabbitMQ, and computer viruses by air

Links "Five tips for big software projects": “Dismanteling the monoliths”: – rails apps converting to Nodejs at Groupon I’m taking a stab at lock-free this week – First, my reading took me to Mechanical Sympathy (which we’ve discussed before) and now that there is a JSR for some new constructions – (StampedLock) this site has … Read More