
Philly ETE 2014 #9 – An Introduction to Angular JS – Ken Rimple

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AngularJS is an MVC JavaScript framework that has been extending itself into the enterprise like ivy on a wall. There are several reasons: dependency injection, strong testability and the ability to define business services and UI components lead the list. Ken Rimple takes a quick tour of Angular and discusses its current state, and offers tips for beginning developers.

DevNews #70 – Droids and flying robots taking over the world and Scala.JS

Lots of tech news available today, none of it (well aside from DNA crunching) needs an advanced degree! We have news on Typesafe’s Jamie Allen’s keynote at JAXEnter 2013 in London, two robot stories, a tale about lost bitcoins, DNA Analysis in Javascript, and Githubs expanding contexts for diffs. Also, Joel brings us a review of his first impressions with Ember.js and micro-services are exploding – what does that mean for the enterprise CTO / CIO who bets on that strategy? Find out by listening… It’s all here in the DevNews.

DevNews #68 – Clouds and Androids abound, reactive ones!

With a week of the gang has a lot to talk about, from reactive programming in Javascript with Bacon.js, to the failure of a startup (so long, and best of luck to the EverPix team, we loved your service) to the brain drain in academia due to data science, to some nitty gritty Javascript, a new reactive project in Spring, we got it all. Don’t forget to post us on the LifeHacker favorite podcasts page!

DevNews #64 – We’re older and losing our hair…

Well, Ken is, anyway… A number of interesting topics this week. Topic List Newly OSS’d project Precog: advanced analyics for NoSql Angularjs vs Knockout – a great multi-page post comparing a number of features. Beyond map/reduce – it’s not just about that Google whitepaper. 10 reasons to use AngularJS Cloud provider Nirvanix shuts down An … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #54 – Wherein an HTTPS vulnerability makes us drop our gear

A recent SSL / TLS vulnerability causes temporary panic in the recording room when Joel knocks over the headphone mixer… But seriously folks, it’s a doosie, one we’ll be watching over the next few weeks. The mixer mishap is pretty funny though. Also, I think I (Ken) mis-quoted the article about Don’s PhoneGap Build plugin. … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #22 – AngularJS Directives – DSL in your HTML – Lukas Ruebbelke and Brian Ford

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From the abstract: “AngularJS is an awesome JavaScript framework that has a laundry list of great features. One of the most powerful features is the ability to create custom HTML elements and attributes that are specific to your domain. We will cover how to make custom directives to do neat tricks. By ‘neat tricks’ we … Read More