
DevNews #58 – The London Eye – of Sauron

The Developer News is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services. Get trained in Scala, Spring, Grails, Maven, Nexus, and more. Links, please! Note – I accidentally named Don Coleman our “Director of Development” when in fact, his official title is “Director of Consulting”… Duly noted. Ken Rimple A nice, involved, deep tutorial on building a … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #36 – A bright future full of promise – Asynchronous Pipelines in Scala and Java – Heather Miller

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From the abstract: “By now, it’s no secret that asynchronous and non-blocking code means fast and responsive software stacks that scale to the moon. The only problem? Asynchronous code usually means callback hell that’s impossible to write, impossible to reason about, and even worse to maintain. Not any more— Scala 2.10 brings an asynchronous, completely … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #53 – wherein Joel and Ken dislike everything

Joel and Ken cover: A twitter conversation wherein Scala is bigger than COBOL for job hunters, but not bigger than Pizza Delivery Dzone – My Java EE 8 Wishlist 160 million credit cards hacked by “high tech” cyber criminal gang over the past decade. Probably one of the most successful/destructive hacking groups ever. Their main … Read More

TechCast #79 – Chariot’s Sujan Kapadia and Ken Rimple talk about OSCON 2013

The TechCast is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services – for training in Scala, Spring, Grails, Android, Maven and more. We aren’t just slide turners, either. Ask us about interactive mentoring and semi-structured learning as well. The TechCast this week was devoted to Sujan’s trip to OSCON 2013. He and a number of other Chariot … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #18 – Scaling out with Akka Actors – Joshua Suereth

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From the abstract: “Erlang has made popular the notation of asynchronous message passing as means of distribution and Scaling. While the idea of “actors” is fundamentally simple, how do we, the software engineers, make use of this abstraction to develop real life, scalable systems? This talk designs a scalable distributed search service using Akka and … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #16 – Scala Async: A New Way to Simplify Asynchronous Code (Make the Compiler Do It!) – Philipp Haller

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From the abstract: “Ever wished the compiler could make asynchronous programming easier? Enter Scala Async. Do asynchronous I/O like “normal” blocking I/O, program with Futures and Promises even more naturally! Scala Async makes it possible to “suspend” at arbitrary points in a block of regular Scala code, and to “resume” from that point later— all … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #15 – Livecoding a Webapp in Clojure and Scala: An intro and comparison – Dustin Getz and Jason Feingold

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From the abstract: “Both Clojure and Scala target enterprise-sized challenges, but the development styles are very different. We will live-code a small webapp in both languages, on two projectors, while demonstrating how each language influences our thought process, and the toolchain and library best practices. We will discuss how Scala makes you think in types, … Read More

TechCast #75 – Interview with Rod Johnson Part 2 – Focus on Scala

Rod Johnson is well known for his work creating and leading SpringSource, and the Spring Framework. But did you know he recently started working with TypeSafe organization? He’s advising them on their board of directors, and he’s working on his own Scala hobby application. He has some views about the language, how to start using … Read More

ETE 2012 – HTML5 Apps in Java & Scala with the Play Framework

From the abstract: The way we build applications is rapidly changing. HTML5, Scala, non-blocking IO, real-time push, and the cloud are welcome advancements in the world of web apps. Play Framework makes using these technologies a pleasure. In this session you will learn how to build next generation applications with Play Framework and deploy those … Read More

DevNews #45 – Rod Johnson leaves VMware, FuseSource acquired by RedHat, more…

Note – to view all of the links that made up this podcast, visit our Delicious show page at Sponsors Chariot Solutions Education Services – Training in Spring, Hibernate, Scala, Maven and more. Visit us on the web at Events Scalathon 2012 News Rod Johnson Leaving VMWare Spring project infrastructure maturing FuseSource acquired by RedHat … Read More