Ken Rimple

DevNews #55 – In which our titles are shorter, and we ask, why not Javascript?

In this episode, we discuss Javascript, javascript and more javascript… But, we also discuss DBaaS (YAaaS acronym), a tasty infographic, a set of web frameworks reviewed by the people who bring you JRebel, and more. Javascript – the future dominant language of the enterprise? First Apache Tomcat 8 Release Candidate Now Available PirateBrowser — designed … Read More

PhillyETE 2013 Screencast #34 – How Google Does it – Using Closure Tools for Large JavaScript Applications – Rhys Brett-Bowen

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From the abstract: “Closure Tools was released by Google over two years ago to little fanfare. It has slowly been gaining popularity and even a little love from those that have gotten to know it. If you’re writing a large JavaScript application, you should know about it. after all it’s what GMail, Google Maps, Google … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #54 – Wherein an HTTPS vulnerability makes us drop our gear

A recent SSL / TLS vulnerability causes temporary panic in the recording room when Joel knocks over the headphone mixer… But seriously folks, it’s a doosie, one we’ll be watching over the next few weeks. The mixer mishap is pretty funny though. Also, I think I (Ken) mis-quoted the article about Don’s PhoneGap Build plugin. … Read More

Chariot Developer News Episode #53 – wherein Joel and Ken dislike everything

Joel and Ken cover: A twitter conversation wherein Scala is bigger than COBOL for job hunters, but not bigger than Pizza Delivery Dzone – My Java EE 8 Wishlist 160 million credit cards hacked by “high tech” cyber criminal gang over the past decade. Probably one of the most successful/destructive hacking groups ever. Their main … Read More

TechCast #79 – Chariot’s Sujan Kapadia and Ken Rimple talk about OSCON 2013

The TechCast is sponsored by Chariot Solutions Education Services – for training in Scala, Spring, Grails, Android, Maven and more. We aren’t just slide turners, either. Ask us about interactive mentoring and semi-structured learning as well. The TechCast this week was devoted to Sujan’s trip to OSCON 2013. He and a number of other Chariot … Read More

TechCast #78 – Andrew Larkin on Xooie, Open Source at Comcast

The tech cast is brought to you by Chariot Solutions education services. If you’re on a development team working in Java, Spring, Maven, Hibernate, Scala or Android, we’re here to help. For onsite training, one-on one or group mentoring, or to attend one of our public classes, visit us on the web at This … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #48 – Big Data all over the place

It’s the big return of the regular DevNews this week. My co-host Joel Confino and I discuss lots of big data stuff, including: They hype it, then they try to kill it – Why Big Data is not truth – just using Big Data techniques doesn’t make it easy to select good data to begin … Read More

PhillyETE Screencast #25 – Applying Design Thinking and Complexity Theory in Agile Organizations – Jean Tabaka

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From the abstract: “Design thinking is emerging as a way to guide organizations in how to accept mystery and move through heuristics before moving to an algorithmic view of business. Complexity theory asks us to be intentional about the systems in which we find ourselves and the transitions we must be prepared to make in … Read More

Chariot DevNews Episode #47 – Chariot’s Steve Smith on the Apple WWDC and iOS 7

Chariot’s Steve Smith attended Apple’s World-wide developer conference last week, and we sat down today to talk to him about it. Topics WWDC ticket ordering process fun New hardware releases iOS 7 features OS X Mavericks His view as a mobile developer of iOS over the years including open source projects, etc… Note – all … Read More